Protection Magic Spells.

 My Tips (Again) on Protection Magic, and our next Class

by Elhoim Leafar

Welcome back here, to my virtual magic corner. I am Elhoim Leafar, and this is the post of the day. First of all, there are also other similar posts that I have written and published previously:

As in all types of magic and sorcery (love, health, money, etc...) in protection magic, there are hundreds of methods, with herbs, with crystals and gems, with flowers, with oils, with ceremonial rituals, etc…, here I simply share some important facts to know, and I invite you to participate in my next two-hour online class on protection magic and precaution against evil.

Some important tips about Protection Magic.

As in magic related to love or money, here you are working with energies, keep that in mind while performing any protection spell on any book. Remember that above all it is energy, and what you are doing in this case, is dissipating or weakening a type of energy that comes against you.

The best-structured protection spells are those that are performed in the specific place or place that you want to protect, and they work ideally well when they are linked to a particular object (amulet or talisman). Remember that just as in magic we make circles to transform and direct the energy, here it is important to link the energy to a specific point, otherwise, you are only throwing river water in the middle of the salty sea.

It all starts with your aura... This phrase was borrowed from one of my favorite books, "Hoodoo Cleansing and Protection Magic: Banish Negative Energy and Ward Off Unpleasant People" by Miss Aida. This phrase encompasses a particular great truth that many "teachers and tutors" of modern sorcery forget to teach.

Click here to buy Miss Aida's Book.

Your aura is your first contact with the energy external to you, it is from the moment you are born until you die, and from the moment you wake up in the morning until you go to sleep at night, your first contact with all the energy that surrounds you, is for That is why it is important to start there, cleaning and protecting your aura, and from there, continue with everything that surrounds you.

Protecting the home is one of the most effective forms of protection. I particularly like to create barriers on all the walls, add some blends of consecrated oils to the paint for the house, anoint the doors with my own blend of lunar oil (essential oil of bergamot, geranium, and frankincense made with the new moon and consecrated with the full moon), and burn a blend of blue sage and dragon blood in a small circle of sea salt in each of the rooms and halls of the house.

Rainwater is a sacred water that comes directly from the clouds, it is a sacred manifestation of mother nature. I like to fill wooden bowls or iron cauldrons with this water every time it rains, and use it to clean glass and door frames at home.

Angelica, Clover, Garlic, Juniper, are just some of the hundreds of plants with protective powers, which are commonly used to perform this kind of spells, have these plants in the garden, or in pots near doors and windows, it is a good remedy to prevent people with bad intentions from wanting to enter the house.


Shields, Circles, Auras, and Protection Magic for Beginners. (Sept 25, 2020. 7:00Pm.)

Click Here to Save your Spot.

Price for Spot: $40

It all starts with your aura, and from there, your personal shield begins to expand to different points and in different ways, but this is just one of your many metaphysical tools and manifestations of your protective power.

This is an intensive workshop, and it is divided into three parts.

In the first part, we will work on your protection energy, from the most basic, how to clean your aura and your energy, to the most elaborate, how to manifest your own energetic shield, and how to prevent psychic attacks.

In the second part of this workshop, we will work with the magic circle, we will talk about the magic circle of witches, its function, its origin, its importance, because, when and how to do it, and I will give you different rituals to do it.

In the third part of this workshop, I will share with you different recipes and magical rituals to protect your personal space, your home, your office, your loved ones, and even how to return a psychic attack or a curse back to its origin.

© Copyright, 2020, Elhoim Leafar.


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