Smudge with Sage is not the only way to do energy cleansing.
I don't know if is or not a cultural appropriation,
but I know Smudge with Sage is not the only way to do energy cleansing.
Here other simple ways to clean-burning herbs.
Greetings and hugs to my lovely people, dear reader, welcome as every week to my virtual space, and here I raise a topic that for some is controversial. As always, I'm not looking to debate with the beliefs of anyone, I just give my perspective of the matter, from my own point of view.
Without wasting time with unnecessary introductions, I am Elhoim Leafar from South America, and this is my post:
What is Smudge?
Smudge, is the name that we give in the holistic community (witches, magicians, shamans, healers) to the process of burning a "bundle of herbs" for ritual purposes, in most cases, white or blue sage, palo santo, or peppermint.
This ritual is part of the Native American traditions, who made use of this mystical procedure to cleanse the body against evil spirits, bad omens, and curses from another tribe, which in general could cause all kinds of discomforts, diseases, and death.
Today, the smudge process has been commercialized to the point of making it somewhat popular, and once something is popular, it is only a matter of time for all online sellers to have one of these "smudge" in their catalog.

Myself, with a stick of sage, custom made and send to me from my friend Eric, who grows plants at home, and had the beautiful gesture of sending me one of these for my monthly new moon ritual.
Thank You, Eric!!
However, let's not forget that many people plant and harvest plants in their homes and grounds for these various purposes of cleaning and protection, to create oils and perfume their altars, etc. So we should not be irresponsible and lock them all in a box with a label, something that today is easy to do on social networks.
smudge (v.)
early 15c., smogen "to soil, stain, blacken," of obscure origin. Related: Smudged; smudging. Meaning "make a smoky fire" is from 1860, hence smudge-pot (1903). The noun meaning "a stain, spot, smear" is first attested 1768, from the verb.
Buck, Carl Darling, A Dictionary of Selected Synonyms in the Principal Indo-European Languages, University of Chicago, 1949, reprinted 1988.
Cassidy, Frederic G., and Hall, Joan Houston, eds., Dictionary of American Regional English, Harvard University Press, 1985-2002.
Sage, (usually: Salvia apiana), is a plant that commonly grows in the surroundings of California, USA. However, nowadays wild sage fields can be found in practically all the countries, as well as in other parts of the world, such as Mexico, Spain, Venezuela, Uruguay.
Sage is popularly known for its energetic properties, it is used in common rituals to cleanse the aura, energy, dispel evil spirits, and bring clarity to a difficult situation.
The scent of sage is a real delicacy, once you start burning sage in your home, it is only a matter of time before you want to repeat the experience, however, although there are other methods of energy cleansing, sage is still one of The favorites for two simple reasons, the first, the aroma that remains in the spaces after the burning sage, is incredible, the second, it really works and you can feel the energetic change in the place.
Stick custom made of herbs/pic of mine.
It is not the only method.
Sahumerio (Venezuela)
In South America, we call them "clean", all these methods related to energy and spiritual cleanings. In Venezuela (recently also in Colombia and Ecuador) we give the name "Sahumerio" to those rituals related to the smoke of herbs, and unlike a smudge, we do not tie the herbs, but we put them together in a small cauldron (can being a pan), we set it on fire, and we move it around the house.
In my book “Rites of Happiness: Secrets, Spells & Reflections” (available here), published in 2016, first with a Chilean publishing house, and later an independent English version available on Amazon, I made use of these incense recipes to create various baths and ritual cleansing for everyone. possible uses.
Chakapa (Peru)
The Chakapa is the Quechua word for a shaker custom made of bundled leaves. Bushes of the genus Pariana provide the leaves for the chakapa. Curanderos (healers) and other shamanic workers in the Peruvian Amazon use the chakapa in healing ceremonies.
The most common use of chakapa is in an ayahuasca ceremony, where the curandero may shake the chakapa around the patient while singing an Icaro (a powerful healing ceremonial song). The sound of the chakapa is said to comfort patients in an ayahuasca ceremony and "cleans" the energy surrounding the patient.
For tradition, when the chakapa has been fully used, the shaman who directs the ceremony burns the mystical object in question, thus nullifying any negative property or agent in the place.
Other herbs you can use.
They don't necessarily have to be herbs, there are many cleaning methods using crystals, quartz, rose water, oils, and essences, or even candles, pieces of raw meat, and eggs. But suppose that you want to work with herbs, and that like me, you have a preference for mystical and aromatic smoke at home, perfect, then you can try the following.
- Burning garlic, rosemary, and mugwort skin, this herbal combination dissipates evil and attracts good fortune.
- Burn catnip, rosehip root, red roses, and peppermint, to nullify bad energies, lessen bad thoughts, and ward off evil spirits.
- Burn white roses and white chrysanthemums one day Monday morning, to honor and connect with the ancestor spirits. This white flower smoke is considered sacred and powerful in the Caribbean traditions, it is related to the secret rites of initiation, ascension, and purity.
- Tying a sunflower, with dried mint leaves, peppermint, you can if you wish, add here a little palo santo. To create protective energy around the place and to welcome (only) spirits with good intentions.
- Burning in a heat resistant dish, a combination of myrrh, copal, frankincense, palo santo, lavender, and rosemary, is the most appropriate way to positively change the eonic energy of the place and increase the vibration of the site.
Incense blend, courtesy of Parlour Of Wonders
Books I recommend you with very good recipes for it:
- Hoodoo Cleansing and Protection Magic: Banish Negative Energy and Ward Off Unpleasant People. by Miss Aida, (available here).
- Deliverance! Hoodoo Spells of Uncrossing, Healing, and Protection, by Khy Armand. (available here)
- Sacred Smoke: Clear Away Negative Energies and Purify Body, Mind, and Spirit, by Amy Blackthorn. (available here)
- Clearing Spaces: Inspirational Techniques to Heal Your Home, by Khy Armand. (available here)
- Good Juju: Mojos, Rites & Practices for the Magical Soul, by Najah Lightfoot. (available here)
with true love, Elhoim Leafar.
Copyright © 2020 by Elhoim Leafar De Jesus.
All rights reserved.
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