Hello You! Welcome back to my virtual corner, since my arrival in the US (2015) I have had to catch up with many practical topics of witchcraft and magic, obviously here the books tend to be written from a more academic and broad perspective (for all readers), while certainly making us miss such local publication gems as "Usted Puede Ser Su Propio Brujo" (You Can Be Your Own Witch) by Vladimir Burdman Schwarz, between many others, these books, which move away from traditional folklore and stories transmitted orally, move us (in most cases) to broaden our own vision of the world, understand the similarities and differences between our various magical paths, and promote (in the best cases) a complete vision of those different cultures that in one way or another influence our Craft.
Clarification 1
Because I only started reading books in English properly in the year 2017 (a year before starting conversational English) you probably won't find here certain "classics" of witchcraft that everyone knows, because I haven't had time to read them, at least not English, although I have read Christopher Penczak, Laurie Cabot, Scott Cunningham, and Raymond Buckland, the versions I have read have been translations previously made in Spanish, so they will not be included in this list for the simple fact of I have not read them in English, and many times the translations are terrible.
Clarification 2
No, it's not a list of authors that I like, I don't even know most of them, it just seems to me that these books would be of great help to anyone starting their path in witchcraft. Even I left out a few personal favorites, which while not the best for a novice, would make a nice list of future favorites. such as Intuitive Witchcraft by Astrea Taylor, The Little Work by Durgadas A. Duriel, Horse Magic by Lawren Leo, The Big Book of Practical Spells by Judika Illes, and Witchful Thinking by Zoe Howe, are among my personal favorite books, even So, I personally think a newbie needs to read some other books before going deeper into these titles.
If a book that I have read does not appear in this list, it is simply because I consider it too heavy and not recommended for a novice, in this list, I include those books that I would have liked to have on hand when I grew up.
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Is not any specific order, I just choose the books to make the list from a big shelter and just drop the list in the order I find the books. I literally photographed the books on the list one by one, uploaded the photos to my computer, and made the list in the order the photos were uploaded.

The Witch's Book of Spellcraft: A Practical Guide to Connecting with the Magick of Candles, Crystals, Plants & Herbs.
by Jason Mankey, Matt Cavalli, Amanda Lynn, and Ari Mankey.
I have referred to this book constantly in my videos, lives, and various posts as the Grimoire, do you know what a Grimoire is? It is not a "book of shadows" full of spells, it is a compilation of recipes and magical experiments written by someone with some experience in the field of witchcraft.
Call me crazy, but I'm sure this book is up there with "Buckland's Complete Book of Witchcraft" and in about ten years it will be one of those books that all witches will necessarily have at home, at least to use as a reference. In "The Witch's Book of Spellcraft" Jason Mankey and a group of people he trusts collect recipes, spells, and all kinds of magical information ranging from the various uses of candles to oils, crystals, herbs, and all kinds of magic. rituals.
Let's not forget that Jason Mankey has served the Pagan community for over a decade, not only writing multiple books, but also attending multiple community events, teaching classes around the country, and if he's learned anything else over the years, that's it. It is for sure in this book.

Baba Yaga's Book of Witchcraft: Slavic Magic from the Witch of the Woods.
by Madame Pamita.
Who don't know Madame Pamita? She is probably one of the best-known witches and rootworkers in this community, she has a YouTube channel with thousands of daily views, she has several very informative podcast series, and she is one of the most colorful, enterprising, and positive personalities in this community.
Previously she gave us a complete book on Tarot and another on candle magic. Now Madame Pamita publishes with Llewellyn: 'Baba Yaga's Book of Witchcraft', each chapter bring a fairytale of Vasylyna, a girl sent to the frightful witch, while Baba Yaga explains herself the folklore represented in the tale. Spells, spirits, symbolism, and everything related to Slavic Magic and its enriching culture.
Witch Life: A Practical Guide to Making Every Day Magical.
by Emma Kathryn.
Emma has been around for a longer time you think, she is a prolific writer and teacher, she has written several other titles and this is the most recent published with Llewellyn Books.
In 'Witch Life', Emma leads us to act consciously before, during, and after each ritual, she teaches us various meditations and rituals for each occasion, and leads us to question what is the purpose behind each of your magical works. . I literally finished reading the book a couple of weeks before writing this post, and I couldn't stop thinking "why didn't we have books like this before?".

The Eclectic Witch's Book of Shadows: Witchy Wisdom at Your Fingertips.
by Deborah Blake.
Another very prolific author and creator of oracles in our small but beautiful community. Deborah Blake has written a lot before, this time, she delivers a hardcover book, beautiful cover, perfectly illustrated in every detail, with spells, formulas, and shortlists of ritual elements such as herbs and others, to complement your craft.
Especially if you are new to the Craft, this book is waiting for you, it even contains blank pages to write on, so you can take notes or write your own spells. In addition, the book is illustrated by Mickie Mueller, who is also a great author and artist well known in our community.

The Witch's Path: Advancing Your Craft at Every Level.
by Thorn Mooney.
If you don't know Thorn Mooney, beyond living under a rock, my love, you're locked in a closet looking for Narnia, and I highly doubt you'll find it.
Thorn Mooney is one of the biggest names in the pagan community, he has a highly popular youtube channel, his videos are always on point, he is part of the Gardnerian tradition, and he has been present at every respectable event in the pagan community for years. the last years. All this without putting aside that his previous book 'Traditional Wicca' is practically mandatory.
Why have I decided to add this book that is made for perhaps a more advanced level? For a simple reason, the fact that Thorn Mooney has a remarkable level of pedagogy and his books are easy to understand even for the most novice, the book is written as if they were individual classes in a classroom, it does not feel heavy at any time, it is quite focused, and it offers a variety of exercises to do for all practitioners.

Aradia: A Modern Guide to Charles Godfrey Leland's Gospel of the Witches.
by Craig Spencer.
I'm obsessed with this book? Obviously yes, I've recommended it everywhere since I discovered it. Craig Spencer is a Lancashire-born Anglo-Italian witch who practices Traditional Lancashire Witchcraft. Also, Craig is one of those authors who is not very focused on promoting his work (even though it is a great book) because he is busier with other things, like his next book for example. So discovering this book is not easy.
Why am I so obsessed? After being initiated into multiple Afro-Caribbean traditions in my native Venezuela, I was (I have mentioned it before) for seven years participating as an active member of a circle of witches with Wiccan leanings, one of the recommended texts for the most advanced was the famous "Witches' Bible", and the Spanish translation was so terrible that it made the book practically impossible to understand, there are paragraphs and stories that lead nowhere and there are names of characters, plants and places that are poorly translated.
Craig has dedicated himself to re-reading this material and making the correct edition that we all deserve, it is understandable, it does not weigh down the reader, and his insights are always punctual.
The Dabbler's Guide to Witchcraft: Seeking an Intentional Magical Path.
by Fire Lyte (Head on Fire)
I think it is one of the books that caused us the most anxiety during the wait. Fire Lyte's Book is a guide for practitioners of modernity, who are not satisfied with "this is how to do it, period" or "this has been done for a long time and we have no reason to change it".
In 'The Dabbler's Guide to Witchcraft' you learn to cast spells and it leads you to think about the right way to do things, your way, constantly questioning how, where, when, and why? not just offering spells, but taking you to think, how can you own your craft?

Herbal Magick: A Guide to Herbal Enchantments, Folklore, and Divination.
by Gerina Dunwich.
If you have been a follower of my blog for some time, you will know that Gerina Dunwich is my favorite Witchcraft & Magic author, ever!!, I have told countless times the story that one of her books adapted to Spanish was my first book of spells, a gift from my mom, it was also my first book on Wicca.
Gerina Dunwich is practically non-existent in social networks, she only has a Facebook page, and she writes short horror novels under a pseudonym, as I have mentioned other times, it could well be a 70-year-old man writing under a pretty woman's name, and the truth, I don't care, her books and perspective of Wicca, more like a lifestyle based on the veneration of nature and the lunar phases is what I like the most, she is a feminist without finding the extremes of certain occultists in our community, and their spells are practical, functional, easy to do.
Herbal Magic, published by Weiser Books, is the gem I'm currently reading, I'm barely halfway through the book and I'm already in love, all of his books are just as interesting, and they're great for experts and novices alike.
This particular edition comes in hardcover, is printed with a nice green ink and the interior design is beautiful.
Available HERE and HERE.
The Modern Witchcraft Book of Natural Magick: Your Guide to Crafting Charms, Rituals, and Spells from the Natural World.
by Judy Ann Nock.
Judy Ann Nock is a singer, artist, writer, witch, and a big name in our community, is so much to say about her, that, you can call me lazy but I just take this next paragraph from her bio of her (literally, LOL).
"Judy Ann Nock, MS, is the bestselling author of five books on witchcraft including The Modern Witchcraft Guide to Runes, The Modern Witchcraft Guide to Magickal Herbs, and The Modern Witchcraft Book of Natural Magick. Her books have been translated into multiple languages and are enjoyed throughout the world. Judy Ann Nock is a popular musician in the Hoboken supergroup Psych-O-Positive, a metalsmith, a graduate of the Gemological Institute of America, a member of Mensa, and has appeared in The New York Times, Publishers Weekly, The Guardian, Refinery29, and The Village Voice. She lives with her daughter and her cat in New York City."
In "The Modern Witchcraft Book of Natural Magick" Judy put into practice a wide variety of amulets, charms, rituals, meditations, and all kinds of simple charms using the powers of nature. She is a complete guide but at the same time simple for all readers.
If you want to become a great #GreenWitch you definitely need to get your hands on this book along with Herbal Magic by Gerina Dunwich, you will thank me.
The Art Cosmic: The Magic of Traditional Astrology.
by Levi Rowland.
Published by Warlock Press, The Art Cosmic is unlike any other astrology book in your shelter, first, it is a traditional astrology book written by an academic, not a modern astrology book, and second, Levi Rowland's (author ) is not to tell you how to guess the horoscope of the week, but to move to deeper waters to take you to understand the movements of the cosmic spheres and their influence on each aspect related to your life.
Levi Rowland is a professional astrologer located in New Orleans, a High Priest of the Alexandrian Tradition, also, a teacher of traditional astrology, hermetic Qabalah, cartomancy, and ceremonial magic. For those looking to learn astrology with a real purpose, this book is a must-have.
HERE and

The Book of Candle Magic: Candle Spell Secrets to Change Your Life.
by Madame Pamita.
There are innumerable candle magic books, many, perhaps thousands, most of them perhaps unnecessary. Few books add any new information, I have two favorites in this genre, one is 'The Enchanted Candle' by Lady Rhea, which was not included in this list because I think it is also for more advanced students and with a different purpose. The other is 'The Book of Candle Magic' or as many of us know it 'Candle Magic' (the book) made by Madame Pamita, was published during the first Halloween in-pandemic, and was a light in the middle of chaos.
Madame Pamita teaches literally everything you can learn about candle magic, manufacturing, uses, colors, sizes, shapes, all kinds of rituals, and it's in a great format, perfectly illustrated book with beautiful purple ink. and on a hardcover. If you only have the possibility to buy a book of wizardry, I honestly believe that this is the book, and I hope that it will be for many the first book of it.

Espiritismo: Puerto Rican Mediumship & Magic.
by Hector Salva (Houngan Hector)
I had the opportunity to do an endorsement for this book, I had to read it twice for it because I really found it fascinating. Hector Salva (Puerto Rican/Dominican) knows quite well the history, culture, and folklore of his people, he is also a medium and sorcerer with years of experience, so we know that everything he writes comes directly from his personal daily practice and is also a great author.
This is definitely one of those books that would have nurtured my individual practice growing up in Venezuela, because most of our mediumship and sorcery books consisted of poor translations of good English books from a mostly european perspective non entirely related with our culture or cosmovision.
If you are of Latino/Hispanic descent or feel that this current is your individual path, do not be afraid to buy this book and include it in your lists, the knowledge in these pages is of the utmost importance.

Hoodoo Justice Magic: Spells for Power, Protection and Righteous Vindication.
by Miss Aida.
Oh, mis Santos!! This book!!, I met Miss Aida through her previous book 'Hoodoo Cleansing', definitely one of my favorites, practically a top 5 for sure.
Now she publish Hoodoo Justice Magic, this book is great in every way, it is one of those books that when you read you say to yourself "this person knows what she is doing", you can smell the experience and years of dedication in each paragraph. From how to work with certain powders and plants, to the preparation of elaborate rituals to take revenge on your enemies, the best thing about this kind of book is that they teach you the methods that many may be used against you and thus you can train yourself to defend yourself from these.
If this book had been published 30 years or more ago, my mother would have saved herself a lot of trouble (and a lot of money) by cleaning against curses and negative spells on a daily basis.

American Brujeria: Modern Mexican American Folk Magic.
by J. Allen Cross.
Our well-known Oregon Witch is a practicing brujo of Mexican, Native American, and European descent. He is a blogger, author, and Paranormal Investigator, he also has his own podcast.
American Brujeria should be required reading for all Afro-Latino descendants on the path of witchcraft and Brujeria, the way J. Allen relates the stories of his pueblo and the cultural influences of his gente on the art of Brujeria is one of those things. that are not found in bookstores every day.
If they make a future reissue of this book, although American Witchcraft is the best title in the world, this reissue should be called 'The Book of Brujeria your Ancestors wish they had read'. I have spent entire afternoons writing via telegram with my mom about this book, which is practically my reference to talk with her since we only talk about witchcraft and nothing else day by day, and there are only three books that I talk about with my mom, American Witchcraft, Hoodoo Cleansing, and Orishas & Goddesses by Lilith Dorsey, mom usually writes to ask 'What says J. about this saint' or 'what does Lilith say about this Orixa's Pataki?'.
You should have it.

Orishas, Goddesses, and Voodoo Queens: The Divine Feminine in the African Religious Traditions.
by Lilith Dorsey.
Lilith Dorsey is the authentic Voodoo Queen, and only the envious would dare to say otherwise. Lilith has been around much longer than many of our best-known authors, colleagues, bloggers, and influencers. I do not think there is an event of paganism and witchcraft where she has not been presented, she has published a wide variety of books with different publishing houses (Prana, Citadel Press, Weiser Books, Llewellyn, Warlock Press) and several of her books are references for many articles, has also blogged and podcasted, and continues to appear at events throughout the country to offer classes on various esoteric topics.
Orishas, Goddesses, and Voodoo Queens!! This book!! Great from page 1 to the glossary, the research, the topic, the overwhelming amount of information, it's not a book to read in a week, it's one of those books that works as an encyclopedia, you read it, and come back to it one and again every time you are reading something about orishas in some other book. This book was published in the middle of the pandemic, in the middle of the #MeToo movement, and in the middle of the #BlackLivesMatter movement and it was as if the universe itself had planned it for years (we know that a book can take years in editing) and this book It was a power card for many (especially women and people of color) at the time.

Mountain Conjure and Southern Root Work.
by Orion Foxwood.
Orion Foxwood is the true elder for reference, he has been around for a long time, he is wise, he is kind, charismatic, and has a huge heart, he has years of practice and has published some books, when we mention the word Elder, there are many who believe that they are, a few really are able to be considered as an Elder and set the example as such, and even fewer are true Elders, not claiming to be called as such, but acting with honesty, trust and dedication, Mr. Orion is one of the latter, is also one of the most appreciated writers and teachers in this community.
If you come from outside, as was my case, and don't understand the Appalachian culture, cunning folk, and conjure, this book is perhaps the easiest to read and understand, obviously written by someone with several decades of experience, so which is not surprising that this book is still available in stores even though many more recent titles have been published.
Note: "Mountain Conjure and Southern Root Work" was previously published as "The Candle and the Crosswords".

Doctoring the Devil: Appalachian Backwoods Witchcraft for Conjuring Love, Money, Justice, and Success.
by Jake Richards.
Following the line of the previous book by Orion Foxwood. If you are a newbie I have an obligation to recommend 'Doctoring the Devil' by Jake Richards, previously he also published 'Backwoods Witchcraft' and will publish another book soon.
Jake comes from a very different generation than Orion Foxwood, and yet he has an impressive intellectual level in his books, collecting recipes, tips, stories, and folklore around his mystery tradition, and sharing a wide variety of insights as you read. it advances by allowing you to not only understand the culture he mentions, but also the perspective he has and the value of these traditions to his culture.

The Witches' Sabbath: An Exploration of History, Folklore & Modern Practice.
by Kelden Mercury.
Kelden has been formally practicing witchcraft for over a decade, having contributed to multiple publications, magazines, books, and even a deck of cards. It is no surprise therefore that her previous book "The Crooked Path: An Introduction to Traditional Witchcraft" was so well received by all of us.
Her new book "The Witches' Sabbath" compiles stories, folklore, rituals and recipes traditionally associated with the practice of the Sabbath, and looks at the celebration of the Sabbath in modern times.
It is not a typical spellcasting based witchcraft book, but rather a traditional witchcraft book for modern witches, it is suggested reading for those looking to create or join a coven, and has a lot of substance to it, the core of this book is Kelden's deep interest in the traditionalist practice of witchcraft.

A Lantern in The Dark: Navigate Life's Crossroads with Story, Ritual and Sacred Astrology.
by Danielle Blackwood.
Danielle is the author of 'The Twelve Faces of the Goddess: Transform Your Life with Astrology, Magick, and the Sacred Feminine, which was three years ago, since then Danielle has contributed to multiple publications and astrology journals for Llewellyn Books. In 'Lantern in The Dark' Danielle Blackwood includes meditations, rituals, stories, folklore, and multiple myths to bring understanding and clarity to the obstacles of the present, which gives us the opportunity to find and embrace our purpose in the middle of crossroads.
For my followers and readers who want to navigate deeper into the field of astrology, this book is essential to complement and further nurture your individual practice.

Year of the Witch: Connecting with Nature's Seasons through Intuitive Magick.
by Temperance Alden.
Temperance is a young author, coven leader, teacher, influencer, and clearly a force of nature, she wrote 'Year of The Witch' taking her personal practice as the core for the book, and using the wheel of celebration of the year as the elemental foundation for this same one, explaining step by step the natural events and the folklore associated with their celebration, inviting the reader to develop their own individual practice, even creating their own festivities, as well as complementing it with simple recipes and homemade rituals that evoke the spirit of the home witch.
Most importantly reading this book, Temperance doesn't waste time suggesting buying complicated and expensive items, crystals, or luxurious oils to complement spells, but rather using those items you have on hand.

A Kitchen Witch's Guide to Recipes for Love & Romance: Loving You * Attracting Love * Rekindling the Flames: A Cookbook.
by Dawn Aurora Hunt.
Dawn is the owner and CEO of Cucina Aurora Kitchen Witchery, host of Conversational Witchcraft Podcast (available everywhere you listen podcasts), and one of the most dedicated persons in the field of witchcraft and paganism.
For all those who underestimate the Kitchen Witchery and Kitchen Magic genre, this book is the answer. Dawn Aurora Hunt delivers one of the most interesting and attractive titles of recent years, complements magic and sorcery recipes with delicious recipes, meditations, formulas to celebrate life, love, and enhance your gratitude, with incredible full-color photographs.
True witchcraft begins in two places, in the kitchen and in the garden, not everyone has a garden, but every house or apartment, even offices have a kitchen. Dawn Aurora teaches us to do spells and rituals with each and every one of the elements present in our kitchen, from food and its representation, to the aromas of spices and the colors of our food.

The Complete Book of Moon Spells: Rituals, Practices, and Potions for Abundance.
by Michael Herkes / The Glam Witch.
Michael is one of my favorite authors, not only because of his steady pace of publication, but also because of his honest, focused, and mature way of covering so many different topics in the field of witchcraft without pretense.
In the year 2020 when I started my little live show via Instagram with the very cheesy name of 'Elhoim & Friends' (before move to 'Witches on Witches' on youtube) my first guest was Michael Herkes, because I was sure that his confidence and credibility would make me feel comfortable and would allow me to get along. without any discomfort. That's how professional Michael is and how he makes everyone feel in his classes and in his books, his experience makes you feel safe and comfortable during the learning journey.
Among his many books this is my favorite, "The Complete Book of Moon Spells" is perfectly illustrated with great style and color, and contains detailed information on the emotions, events, and energies available with each lunar phase, as well as spells and amulets for be manufactured with each phase and each lunar month of the year.
OBVIOUSLY!! Cause a little bit of self-promotion never hurt anyone right?

The focus in my books has always been to write what no one else is writing, what I would like to find in some books, because I grew up surrounded by esoteric books whose focus was to maintain the culture, without taking into account that many times we are also preserving an old model of a superficial male chauvinist and euro-centric thinking, that FOR SURE deserves to be changed.
In my own book "The Magical Art of Crafting Charm Bags: 100 Mystical Formulas for Success, Love, Wealth, and Wellbeing" my approach was to work with a type of traditional magic that is known to all and largely underestimated by many who do not take into account their effectiveness and practicality, as well as the ease with which these amulets can be adapted to the belief system and individual practices of each sorcerer.
On the other hand, in "Manifestation Magic: 21 Rituals, Spells, and Amulets for Abundance, Prosperity, and Wealth" (originally planned and announced by me as "Abundance & Prosperity for Mages and Witches"), my purpose was to write a guide to magic for money magic focused on energy workers, magicians, sorcerers and witches, people who generally have a holistic vision of the world we live in, and who for many reasons, mostly linked to personal traumas and old and obsolete belief systems, are not having success or financial support, or keep running into the same obstacles over and over, because of thoughts like "money corrupts and is not spiritual", "if I do money spells I am afraid they will not work", or "if the spell for good fortune doesn't work, it's because maybe I don't deserve it, so it's better not to even try."
The Magical Art of Crafting Charm Bags: 100 Mystical Formulas for Success, Love, Wealth, and Wellbeing.
Manifestation Magic: 21 Rituals, Spells, and Amulets for Abundance, Prosperity, and Wealth.
Other posts to read:
- (Click Here) Working w / Hekate for protection and guidance during Pride Month
- (Click Here) Step by Step (and illustrated) A different and very effective Money Bowl.
- (Click Here) Wicca & All Hallows Eve, seen and "practiced" from the outside.
- (Click Here) La India Rosa, Queer Venezuelan Goddess of Love.
- (Click Here) Maria Lionza, Queen of Witches and Faeries.
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