Some Protection Spell for you.

Some Protection Spell for you.

Hugs and welcome be my reader, here is my virtual space, without more unnecessary words, I am Elhoim Leafar, and this is my post:

About Protection Spells.

There are many methods (with candles, with incense, with oils, with crystals), and practically every author of magic and sorcery books has written at least a dozen of these in their books.

Protection spells are divided into, those spells that provide psychic protection and emotional security, and those that focus on treating and transforming the energy of the material plane, to prevent robberies, accidents, and other unusual incidents of a negative nature.

When dealing with these kinds of spells, the most important thing is to remember that your rituals and spells must be performed with full attention and focus, whether they work with the energy of an object, a crystal, a candle, a protection plant, Or that you are doing it with external help, such as seeking the protection of a superior being or from another plane (spirits, Orixas, goddesses, etc ...).

When you make use of these little spells that revolve around the use of a crystal or a plant with protective properties, these elements already possess that energy, and what you are doing is redirecting their energy in a particular way. While you seek the help of a being superior to you to carry out protection, you are conjuring/invoking a spirit or entity from another plane of existence to obtain "in exchange for favors" its due protection.

“Sometimes there’s a fine line between aura-cleansing/purification spells
and protection spells. A few of the strongest powers, rosemary or salt,
for instance, may provide both effects.”

Judika Illes - The Big Book of Practical Spells.

Charm Bag for Protection.

On a new moon night, light a blue or white candle and an incense stick of your favorite fragrance. Using chalk or a small string, make a small circle on the floor to work within this space, fill a blue or white cloth sachet with equal parts angelica, gardenia, juniper, oregano, and vervain, a piece of crystal quartz, and a lock of hair or nail clippings.

Close the bag by completely sealing its sides with thread and needle, perfume the bag with a little rosemary or lavender essential oil. Hold the bag with both hands, close your eyes for a moment, and run it through the smoke of the incense several times to activate its energy.

Take this protective bag with you in your wallet or hanging from the mirror of the car.

Protection Bath

Mix equal parts dried mugwort, rosemary, sea salt, and add a tablespoon of lavender or rose oil, a dash of flowery water to the shower water, and let stand for about two hours next to a white candle.

Do a short meditation before taking a shower, visualize the halo of light that spreads over your body and covers your entire skin, and continues to grow. Now take a shower with this water preparation you made and let your skin air-dry afterward.

Visualize your energy field being impregnated by the good energy of this bathroom.

Protection Ritual with mirrors

Mix three parts of natural water or tap water, with one part of rosewater or flower water, add three drops of vervain or mugwort essential oil, let it steep for about 30 minutes.

Make use of this consecrated water to wash the mirrors at home and dry them with a clean and new cloth. If possible, remember to move the mirrors from the place to move the energy.

Incense stick to clean the energy

Any day of the week that you choose, in the morning, mix equal parts of the following dry plants: laurel, cedar, juniper, geranium, rosemary, roses.

In a cauldron or a heat resistant saucer, light several pieces of charcoal, let them burn until the charcoal is completely white, then add the herbs and four drops of lavender essential oil.

Very carefully, move this aromatic herb smoke around the place.

with true love, Elhoim Leafar.
 Copyright © 2020 by Elhoim Leafar De Jesus.
All rights reserved.

Remember read too: 

  • Join to my class on Prosperity Magic. Click here
  • Smudge with Sage is not the only way to do energy cleansing. Click here
  • The Mystical Court of the Witches. Click here
  • Maria Lionza, Queen of Witches & Fairies. Click here


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