My endorsement for Miss Aida, Hoodoo Cleansing and Protection Magic.

Hoodoo Cleansing and Protection Magic:
Banish Negative Energy and Ward Off Unpleasant People.
by Miss Aida.

In Hoodoo Cleansing and Protection Magic, Miss Aida offers sound, practical advice for all sorts of dicey situations, large and small. The book is filled with rituals, spells, and Miss Aida’s own personal magical formulas for removing negative energies, breaking malevolent spells, and banishing harmful people so that you can take control and live your best life.

A seasoned magical practitioner from an eclectic background, Miss Aida shares her own psychic and spiritual experiences in order to help you cleanse and protect your space, aura, and loved ones. Within these pages, you will learn how to:

  • Avoid and protect yourself from negative entities
  • Understand unpleasant, negative, and predatory people and take action against them
  • Break a cycle of bad luck
  • Distinguish reputable ghost hunters from frauds and amateurs
  • Recognize bewitched or possessed objects and remove their effects

The Protective Power of Amulets

Amulets are employed by almost every culture around the world and exist in many varieties. Most amulets are worn by the bearer and may include gems, coins, pendants, rings, written words, and plant parts, such as roots. Listed below are a few typical types of amulets.

  • Spiritual deities: The image of a sacred deity is said to be infused with their powers.
  • Religious or spiritual symbolism: Images such as a crucifix or any other sacred object that contains a representation of protection.
  • Hamsa Hand: Believed by many Jews, Muslims, and Christians to ward off the evil eye.
  • Silver dimes: If worn as an anklet, it’s believed the wearer cannot be affected by any negative spells cast by being stepped over.
  • Mirror charms: Worn or pinned to your garment, with the reflective side facing away from your body, these deflect negative energies back to the sender.

All amulets ought to be cleansed before wearing as we do not know who has handled them before they came into our hands.


“Miss Aida’s Hoodoo Cleansing and Protection Magic is a book that many other authors would like to have written, however, few possess the knowledge and experience, as well as the patience and certainty to have done so. The formulas shared in Hoodoo Cleaning and Protection Magic are as complete and extensive as they are incredible. My favorite parts of this book are the explanations of the form, use, and tradition for each one. The clarity of Miss Aida’s vision allows her to express herself in a way that makes this book easy to understand for readers of any experience level.”

-- Elhoim Leafar, author of The Magical Art of Crafting Charm Bags


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