Second New Moon in Cancer / Online Class: Rituals and Spells with Dreams.

New Moon in Cancer
July 20/2020

Greetings and hugs to all my readers who walk through this little virtual corner, this 2020 cycle we celebrate a second new moon in the astrological sign of Cancer, and this brings us interesting energy that we must work on.


The new moon is our appropriate moment of reflection, meditation, clarity, and introspection, it is the moment that we take advantage of to plan and plan our next steps, and begin to recharge our energies.

This moon once positioned in the astrological sign of Cancer (water moon), is a lunar phase focused on self-love and love for family, for friends and loved ones, for the appreciation of home and of our place in the world.

Motherhood, fertility, conception, fertility, as well as all matters related to the study of past lives, premonitions, and the world of dreams, all of this becomes vitally important during the moon in cancer.

The "unusual" of this moon, the fact of having a second moon in the same sign of Cancer, again, is a sign of the universe that is sending us to focus on those aspects, which for one reason or another (work, projects personal, aspirations, individual trauma) may be inevitably displaced.

This moon brings us to focus on working from within the home, from the family and individual aspect, from the couple relationship, and the relationship with our loved ones, to the way we feel that we are being treated by them.

During the moon in Cancer, there is also a certain tendency to sudden mood swings, indifference, depression, anxiety, and highs and lows in moods.

A new cycle…. That we had already started.

Only weeks ago we started a new cycle with the new moon in the sign of cancer, a cycle to strengthen and study our personal relationships with the moon. And now again, with a second new moon in Cancer, we are presented with a new cycle that will end a full moon in the next six months.

We can take this as an omen (both individually and at the community level), indicating that the next few months will put our interpersonal relationships to the test, and therefore the moon is resisting advancing to its next stop (the moon in Leo ), where we focus more on ourselves, and it is giving us the adequate energy to continue working a little more in our family relationships.

The new moon represents this monthly reset, which the moon performs to remind us how important it is to renew ourselves and to be ready to start again from scratch.

This powerful energy favors us to start and lay the foundations that will bring benefits, well beyond this lunar cycle. Now our love life can be more interesting. This New Moon in Cancer instills a deep feeling of belonging. There is a feeling that we have to go home one more time.

It is a good time to commit to personal goals that express the positive energies of the crab sign. These include honoring our deepest, most irrational, and most intimate feelings, acknowledging the sense of security that comes from whatever we call our home; leaving us to accept and offer support to others; and start a project aimed at improving our domestic life.

This New Moon in Cancer could mean an opportunity to restore broken connections and re-establish relationships that have been dissolved by stress or the passage of time. If someone comes back into our lives and we are not emotionally prepared to deal with it, let's listen to our instincts.

Rituals to perform with the energy of the moon.

The new moon is the right cycle to bless, perform and consecrate new talismans and amulets, and keep these on the altar charging their energy for two weeks until the full moon, to ensure that they have enough energy before being used.

This is a moon dedicated to the elemental spirits of water, those spirits and fairies that inhabit rivers, lakes, waterfalls, bodies of water, beaches, and oceans.

If you work with water-related magic, if your magical work includes the help of mermaids, undines, or other water gods and spirits, make use of blue candles and floral-scented incense to consecrate your magical work.

Seven-day magical work with Yemaya, goddess of the waters.

Yemaya is the Orisha and African goddess of salty waters, the sea, treasures, and material wealth. To get her blessing, if you are not initiated in any of the Afro-Caribbean religions, where she is usually venerated, you can perform this simple seven-day ritual to attract her blessing, which will manifest itself in economic opportunities, wealth and business.

Anoint seven blue candles with lavender or rose essential oil, I like to make drawings of moons, snails and stars on the candles, so as to "enchant" them with an extra touch, you can do this with a nail or a needle. And for the next seven days, you light a blue candle every morning until you finish with seven.

Start this ritual on the day of the new moon, or the next morning, if you wish, you can complement this simple ritual, decorating your altar or your space of power, with snails, ornaments, and ornaments with marine representations or figures of mermaids, even some White or pink roses will be welcome in this sacred space.

with love, Elo!

Remember to save your Spot for my next classes:

  • Rituals and Spells for Dreams (2 Hours class). July 19, 2020. CLICK HERE
  • Hexfest / Elhoim's three different classes. August 7/9 2020. CLICK HERE
  • Prosperity and Money Magick classes. August 22, 2020. CLICK HERE

And my book "The Magical Art Of Crafting Charm Bags" AVAILABLE HERE


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