Aries Full Moon / October

When wisdom is light, it is time to illuminate to eliminate.

October and Two Full Moons.

Greetings and hugs lover, welcome back to my virtual corner, I am Elhoim, and this is my post:

This Thursday, October 1, 2020, the full moon occurs in the sign of Aries, the most focused sign of the Zodiac in overcoming obstacles, and the first of two full moons that occur this month. Read on, and I help you better understand how beneficial this lunar energy is for you.

The full moon is the moment of culmination, completeness, celebration, and enlightenment. It is a sacred moment that occurs when the terrestrial satellite reaches the maximum peak of its illumination. The darkness dissipates, the streets, parks, and forests are illuminated with the grace of the moon, the witches reach the zenith of their power, and the spirits make use of this energy to communicate and manifest among us.

Aries is probably the riskiest sign in the Zodiac, it represents courage, the desire to excel, the desire for a better life, and the achievement of long-term goals. Aries is and always has been the sign of insistence and perseverance, but if you don't feel supported if you don't feel that your goals are inspiring others, it is very easy for you to deviate from the path and end up getting bored with so much trying.

Therefore, it is important to keep a clear mind on what our objectives are, what are the steps to follow to reach them, and understand what are the difficulties that are presented to us along the way, the origin of these difficulties, and the teaching behind them. the same.

The energy of this full moon leads us to rediscover our long-term goals, and reflect on how to achieve them in a more effective way.

“Full Moons are said to be times of illumination and revelation, as well as ripening, completion, and release.” - Durgadas Allon Duriel, Author of The Little Work.

Some little rituals that you can carry out at home, and that I always recommend on my blog, include:

  • Cleaning the house with herbal smoke.
  • Move furniture around to move energy.
  • Burn sage, myrrh, sandalwood, or orange incense.
  • Light some candles of different colors, red (Aries, action), blue (calm, emotional balance), white (the moon, purification, opens paths).
  • Meditate for about 25 minutes in front of a candle flame.
  • Put in writing where (and how) you were six months ago.
  • Also, write where you envision yourself in the next six months.

The Moon Cycle

Full moons are moments of manifestation and materialization, of realizing where we are, and why we are there.

Remember that here we work with cycles, this full moon in Aries is closing two cycles, that cycle that we started two weeks ago with the new moon in Virgo, and also, that lunar cycle that we opened six months ago with the new moon in Aries ( March 24, 2020). And since then you have had six months manifesting and working to be (consciously and unconsciously) in that place, position, and the situation in which you are.

This energetic moment leads us to visualize, “where” and “how” we want to be in the next six months, and in the next twelve months.

Your Purpose of Incarnation

These four most recent years, we have been working together, and from this blog, on aligning each of our thoughts and intentions with our purpose of incarnation, with that which calls us from within, and with that which we seek to manifest in one way or another. in our environment.

In these recent six months, you have grown and matured a lot, you have found and perfected a new "you", you are not the same as you were six months ago, and yet you are today more aligned with yourself than before, you are more you than you were before.

Full moons are charged with that energy of recognition, which allows us to align our intentions, with our purpose of incarnation, that purpose that we naturally do not know, because our mission is to find it, but that it is there, searching for us, and vice versa.

Retrograde Planets right now

Neptune in Pisces, until the end of November

The planet of the oceans, emotional greatness and profound wisdom, continues to retrograde in Pisces, moving and removing from its delicate balance that way in which we understand and interpret your emotions and those of others.

Mars in Aries, until mid-November

The planet of war and direct action is retrograding into Aries, feeling oppressed and frustrated emotionally, business, and family.

Uranus in Taurus, until January 2021

The planet of entrepreneurship, technology, advancement, and sophistication is retrograde in Taurus, the sign of emotions and sensitivity (also stubbornness). This reminds us very much that Uranus retrograde of 2019/2020. So be very attentive to preparing for the new solar year 2021, which in the creative and business aspect, will continue to present difficulties for the youngest entrepreneurs, however, it will be a year of much more monetary liberation compared to 2020.

Pluto in Capricorn, until October 4.

Finally, that strange luck of Saturn and Pluto retrograde together has ended, and now we only have one Pluto retrograde in Capricorn. The planet of loneliness and the subconscious continues its slow passage through the sign of order and structure, seeking to focus social value on cooperation, and leading everyone to discover new ways to clean everything that we have stored in the collective unconscious.

Once Pluto Retrograde in Capricorn ends, there will be a few emotionally complex days between the final release of this "inner cleanser" and a rapid Mercury Retrograde that occurs between mid-October to mid-November.

Be patient with these changes, be patient with yourself.

Chiron in Aries until mid-December

The wounded healer (Chiron) follows his retrograde passage through Aries, thus greeting Mars (the warrior) who is in the same sign from afar.

Chiron focuses on the experience and knowledge of oneself as an individual, this retrogradation leads us to avoid understanding, what we are doing wrong, and the way in which we are hurting others, as well as ourselves. "Self-sabotage" seems to be the order of the day. Reflect a lot on your own actions, and cooperate with the creation of limits, remember that those limits that you impose on others with respect to you, are to take care of yourself.

Blue Moon

This moon of October 1, is the first of two full moons occurring in the same month of October, the second full moon will occur on the night of All Hallows Eve (Halloween), so be very attentive because in just a few weeks we will be sharing much more information about it.

With True Love.

 © Copyright, 2020, Elhoim Leafar.

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