Animal Spirits of the Amazon, their representation and Magic.

Welcome, dear reader, welcome all seekers in all love and trust.

After two years of debating whether to do it, I inaugurated this new blog section. Still, the information is only valid when it is out there to be used correctly, just like dynamite, always at the risk of others using it with bad intentions, but that is up to each person.

The power animals and their symbolism in the Amazon vary significantly from the Western-cleaned mainstream version. These animals do not represent ideal archetypes but rather are associated with myths and legends of Latin American folklore (Venezuela, Brazil, Colombia, Peru, Bolivia, Ecuador, Guyana, Suriname), as well as the use of these animals as symbols to conjure power and align ourselves with a greater purpose.

This list includes a total of 23 animals and will be shared week after week. The 23 power animals of the Amazon symbolize the 23 weeks or "clumps of daily cycles," which is one of the common beliefs that the tribes near the Orinoco River shared before the arrival of the settlers.

The links for each power animal will be attached below; you just have to click the link to access the information.

Enjoy the information, take your own notes, draw yours in your own way, and don't be afraid to feel that you perceive some connection with any of these. And if you like the blog, remember to share.

Order my book "Dream Witchery: Folk Magic, Recipes & Spells from South America for Witches & Brujas" HERE and HERE.

The 23 Animal Powers: 


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