Taurus Full Moon / Blue Moon

Honoring the Mother Goddess in the full moon, during the night of Samhain, in the middle of a new reality.

Greetings and welcome here to my virtual corner, I am Elhoim, and this is my post.

If you have already read the post about the previous full moon that happened this month or this other post about the celebration of Samhain this 2020, you will understand this new post much better, if not, you can click HERE and HERE to read both posts.

October ends, and this Saturday 31 we celebrate Halloween, All Hallows Eve, popularly known as Halloween, and it is the full moon in Taurus, in turn, the second full moon that is marked in the same month of the witches. It's a lot of information to process, so let's break it down little by little.

Samhain, and a bit of context on its ancestral importance.

Samhain is the celebration that takes place in honor of "the final time of harvest" or "the final time of summer." The Celts used to carve small images (totems) to get protection against the spirits that went out to travel the world on these magical nights.

Samhain marks the end of the warmer days, begins a light rainy season, and the coldest and longest days of the year begin, all to bring us to winter, the period that ancient wizards and druids associated with “the death of the gods. "And the" end of life ", as cold winter months would pass before recovering the warm and sunny days that came with spring.

The interpretation of the previous topic is more than just theoretical, in terms of practical application, for the ancient peoples it was easy to think under these circumstances that it was something close to the “end of the world”. Today, everything is possible and easy to do from a computer, laptop, or smartphone, from ordering a taxi and checking the weather, to ordering food, clothes, toys, and medicines, but ancient peoples did not have this luck, as a Once winter came, there would be no access to rivers or beaches for fishing, fruit trees, medicinal plants, even animals, all died or hid in their caves and burrows, they hid for months, so when You were not prepared for the cold winter months, it was easy to think that they would be the last months of any family's life.

The winter months were not only cold and dark, but also long, very long, snowstorms mercilessly whipped houses and temples, hillsides and valleys, fields vanished under a loose layer of snow, rivers, and lakes were entirely frozen, the seas were practically impossible to cross, the little food that had been collected must now be rationed in minimal portions, and the only available light was candlelight inside the house, because, under the cold blanket of the winter night, it would be impossible to visualize the moonlight at night, which makes the hard work of hunters even more difficult.

It is for this reason that even some of us celebrate Samhain, not only for being "the festival of the season" but also for honoring the lives of our ancestors, both the lives of those who survived the cold winters, and the lives of those who died. from hunger or sickness during those difficult cold nights.

Samhain represents not only a celebration of the season, but also a sacred moment of connection with our ancestors, with all those who preceded us, and with all those who survived, so that today we can be where we are today.

Taurus Full Moon

The full moon that is marked on Saturday October 31 is a full moon in Taurus, the sign of stability, family, sensuality and concrete thinking. It is a moon of earth element and feminine polarity (perception, stability, solidity), and it is a moon of fixed quality (will, constancy, perseverance).

This full moon is also a blue moon (second full moon in the same month), and witches night occurs. Being perhaps one of the most anticipated moons of this 2020, for its magical certainty, and for its symbolism, related to stability and perseverance, just what we need most this 2020 cycle.

Have you ever met a Taurus person? They are cautious, prudent, affectionate people, somewhat possessive ... Well, this is how this full moon feels, like a warm breeze that passes through a cold night, like a hug from someone close just when you are about to throw in the towel, but time, like a push that forces you to move from where you are.

The moon in Taurus is favorable to start those solid projects that require a lot of attention and concreteness, this moon comes to model and strengthen those projects (large and small) that require a certain tenacity and strategy to properly stabilize.

The Moon Cycle

In technical terms, this full moon on October 31, closes that cycle of manifestation that began on October 16 with the new moon in Libra. At that time we had a Mercury Retrograde in opposition to Neptune, and although it is still retrograde at this time, for November 15, with the new moon in Scorpio, Mercury will perform that opposition to Neptune again.

While Mercury is the one in charge of the communications energy, Neptune, the king of the oceans, is the vast knowledge and profound wisdom. This opposition leads us to question our personal beliefs and generate doubts regarding what we believe, and "why" we believe it.

Neptune is named after the Roman god of the seas and oceans, who was also the god of horses, fishing, and earthquakes. It is necessary to remember that Neptune used to oppose the regime of his brother Jupiter, the king of the gods (equivalent to the Roman Zeus), and always sought to question his brother's position as king.

It is no coincidence that this opposition leads us to discover in different ways, other ways of seeing the world, other ways of seeing and understanding what we put into daily practice, those small daily routines that become our mantra, but it also leads us to question the rationale behind everything we do and how we do it.

The Moon Goddess

The Mother Goddess is the manifestation of the feminine aspect of the universe, she is motherhood, stability, adaptability to change, transition, the unconscious, femininity, and the Yin energy of the universe, energy that is related to the moon, the night , winter, cold, mysticism and the human unconscious.

While the days are governed by the power of the male God and solar energy, the nights are the reign of the mother goddess, she who inhabits the feminine side and the subconscious of all creatures.

The moons represent the processes of the goddess and her times of gestation of light (the virgin maiden, the pregnant mother and the wise old woman), and especially the full moon is when we make use of our personal time to celebrate the constant motherhood of the mother goddess.

The full moon is related to the symbolism of the goddess as mother, always pregnant with light, it is her mature and maternal side, and it is the moon in all its glory.

It is the right time to take a bath with scented salts and essential oils, to connect with the "inner self" by clearing the mind, it is a sacred moment to connect with the goddess and feminine energy, channel the elements of nature to conceive power and generate energy.

Lighting candles and incense, is what I always recommend doing, beyond the esoteric superficiality, it is about lighting to eliminate, once you turn on a light at night, you illuminate the path of spirits and souls that remain trapped in it. dark limbo trying to ascend and advance to his next part of the incarnation process. And we use incense to cleanse the energy around us, as well as to honor the souls of our ancestors.

Images of the mother goddess on your altar, or of any female divinity on Halloween will be very helpful to focus energy. Scented candles and incense with the scent of flowers is the most recommended to honor, not only the goddess, but also all the women in your family, cook bread, cakes, and all kinds of dishes with herbs and vegetables, serve a glass of white or red wine in honor of femininity (and obviously toasting and drinking for the goddess) are highly recommended common practices.

A homemade potpourri with dried aromatic herbs and flowers, a bowl with crystals and minerals, a cup of hot tea sweetened with honey, a slice of apple or pumpkin pie are just a few simple items you can add to your altar to honor. to the feminine divinity of your pantheon (Yemaya, Athena, Virgin Mary, Ishtar, Hekate, Isis, etc...).

It is important to remember that the gods (as well as the Saints for Catholics) are more than “spiritual servants”, that they are there simply to receive candles when you need them, they are there day after day being part of the process, and when we celebrate in honor them, with them, for them, you are celebrating to show gratitude to all those who are taking care of us in these times, and of our loved ones.

With Love, Elo.

 © Copyright, 2020, Elhoim Leafar.

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