Our Next Class, Oct 24, 2020

The Court of the Witches, and other Allies on our Magic

Welcome to the clan, Happy arrival and Happy departure.

The appointment is this next Oct 24 at 7 pm (New York/Est time), I have only offered a short version of 25 minutes of this class before, the witch court is one of the spiritual entities with the highest constant growth, and yet it continues to be highly unknown in our community.

Years ago I had the opportunity to write on this subject for two articles published in a certain Venezuelan magazine, after being initiated in the ways of the witch court, I began to write a whole 900-page book about my experience before and after initiation, this book was never published in that time for being considered "too much Latino" (lol), but although this book is still saved, and in constant growth, I have taken the reins of the matter and make use of this incredible teaching platform that is Occult Master Class, to teach there everything I have learned about magic and ceremonial court practice.

The Court of the Witches (or The Witch's Court) is a spiritual entity made up of the power of all the witches that preceded us, according to tradition only the initiates in the order of the court can work with their power, but most of the initiates learn to access the power of the court years prior to our initiation.

Much of the magical power you have comes from different sources, and as witches, it is just as important to learn to cast spells as it is to learn to establish better connections with those energetic sources from which a large part of our power comes.

I have no claim whatsoever to teach you "the secrets and mysteries of the court", but we are going to delve as deeply as possible into this subject, so join me on the night of October 24 for a class where I am going to teach you absolutely everything I know, and everything I learned, honoring the court witches in the process and the nine shamanic orders.

We are going to conjure together the power of our ancestors and of all those witches, conjurors, and sorcerers who for centuries preceded us, not only by reading books but directly attending the practice.

We are going to deepen together one of the most hermetic esoteric traditions of Latin America, soon looking to grow in the US, that in which only a few were previously initiated, until Latin strong women raised their voices and began to be initiated in the court, allowing all kinds of individuals to be initiated in the court from then on, including women, homosexuals, people of all ages. colors and nationalities, and even younger and younger.

I hope to see you there, the class lasts two whole hours (link here to the class), so remember to save your spot with time and don't forget to bring your notebook, you will need it.

Note: If you are part of a magical tradition in which you were previously initiated, or you come from a family of witches, bring in writing a list with the names of all the deceased witches and sorcerers who preceded your path, we are going to do something magical with these names.


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