All Hallows Eve 2020

 Celebrating All Hallows Eve in these strange new times.

Welcome back here dear reader, I am Elhoim, and this is my post, remember to share and leave your comments.

We are all living in these new times, times that are increasingly strange to us, times of ostracism and election season, months without hugs (can you believe it?), And times of political and social conflict, we are living together a season that in a way We were amazed, even though we saw for years that those glasses on the counter were overflowing with spilled water, we watched them fill up day after day, and finally, they spilled, all at once. But the important thing is that we are in this together and that we must remember.

We have reached the month of October, and it is the “popular witch's month”, it is Autumn in the North, Spring in the South, and a typical-warm summer in the tropics of Ecuador (Venezuela, my native country).

This was planned as my fifth month of Halloween since arriving in New York City in 2015, and although I did not have many plans, I was willing to take a couple of short trips and attend some parties of my friends, all of it was canceled, and now I'm planning the month from home.

I do not celebrate Halloween, I do not dress up or decorate the house with pumpkins and plastic dolls, because it is not one of my family traditions, and (here wasting the cold frankness that characterizes me) in these times where keyboard activists seem to have more power than the real activists, it is almost a social risk that a person from Latin America even dares to mention "Halloween decorations", without some white blogger accusing you of cultural appropriation (many Pagan Blogs are full of those).

But if like me, you feel at home, with a great desire to take advantage of the available energy of this month for your own benefit, these are some of the things that I will do, and I invite you to do, maybe it will be something fun, less elaborate, but definitely better than spending the entire day watching horror movies (two continuous hours of voluntary anxiety) and reading hundreds of repeated posts about the season's most recommended "witch" movies.

  • Remember that it is an annual celebration, it is a season with a duration of several days, it is a celebration of nature and its cycles. Take an afternoon to meditate on it, write what you think about it, and question what you know (and what you think you know) about All Hallows Eve, its origins, traditions, and customs, and how you are honoring some of these.
  • Cleaning, rearranging, and moving furniture is much more important than decorating to impress. There is nothing wrong with the decorations, but focus on moving the energy first, and for that, we move the furniture, let the old energy of last season move out so that the energy of the new season can come in.
  • Invite the ancestor spirits to come home, to connect with you, to sit around the table, to spend the night, to chat with you. The dead celebrate together with the living.
  • Turn off the television. Choose one to two days before the night of All Hallows Eve (October 31) and spend these days without using the TV. Plan other activities that put you in contact with nature, with forests, visit rivers and parks, visit the tombs of your ancestors, spend a day in the garden, read some books. And don't worry, Netflix will still be there when you get back.
  • Light candles and incense, burn herbs and dried flowers at home, remember that the aromatic smoke of herbs is perceptible beyond the senses, its energy influences various planes of existence at the same time, that is why we light incense in churches and temples to venerate those who have departed. I invite you to prepare your own incenses at home, or you can if you wish, copy any of the recipes that are in this blog.
  • Make coffee and serve it by the front door for several mornings in a row to honor the deceased and those souls who are about to be forgotten.
  • Connect with your ancestors and the witches in your family, honor their lives and their processes, read about them, write about them, I keep a small diary (really small, it does not have more than 30 pages), where I write the memories, rituals, and real stories of witches and ghosts related to my mother, grandmother, mom's uncles, my sisters, and other family members, so we keep their memory alive and honor their magic.
  • Decorate with flowers and bunches of herbs, grow and collect some flowers at home, nurture the nearby gardens, move the soil with your bare hands, leave portions of bread and seeds around to feed the animals. Connect with nature in different ways than usual.
  • Take a blanket and go out at night to look at the stars, prepare lunch for the park with wine, juice, fruits, and homemade bread (it can be from a local organic bakery).
  • Organize virtual meetings (zoom, Facebook, telegram) with your Coven or with your friends, to catch up, drink coffee "together", chat about their ancestors and about the energy of the season, about these full moons of October, about the season of All Hallows Eve, etc...
  • Clean and decorate your altar, that portal that connects you with your ancestors and your gods. Take a few hours to clean, rearrange, and decorate this space from scratch, add some flowers and aromatic herbs, you can use the dried herbs to make a homemade potpourri.
  • Learn something new. If we are in season to venerate our ancestors, and especially the witches and sorcerers who preceded us, it is time to honor them as they were. It is a good month to get started in the art of making your own candles (click here) and incense, maybe you can discover how to prepare some essential oils (click here), magic perfumes, and magic bags of good luck (click here).
  • This month has a powerful and accessible energy available, invest in some candles and amulets, dare to perform new spells, enchant your objects, practice a session of spiritualism, try a new ritual, or create a talisman to protect the house or the room where you sleep.
  • Invest some of your time in your spellbook, take notes of some herbs, crystals, and oils with which you have worked recently, write down what were the results, how they made you feel, what were the feelings and motivations behind these spells.
  • I will be offering this same month, a couple of workshops on summoning and mediumship (click here and click here) because the lunar energy this month feels incredible for this kind of magical work, I especially feel that there will be a magnificent moment between the last week of October and the last weeks of December, to carry out invocations and mediumship. Try to conjure something different and unusual, or to summon some familiar spirit.
  • Prepare some meals with magical intent, for this, I recommend the new book "A Kitchen Witch’s Guide of Recipes for Love & Romance" by Aurora Dawn (available here).
  • HUG TREES !!! There, in them, and in those sensations that they give you when you hug them, there lies our true power, in that sacred connection with nature that only we can understand.
  • Make a list of intentions for the next year, make a list of intentions for the blue moon (October 31), prepare some candles for that night.
  • Give thanks, perform a ritual of gratitude, as simple as writing down all the reasons for which you are grateful, light a candle with the scent of myrrh, and burn the list in the fire to send this message of gratitude to the universe.
  • Look for my new book Manifestation Magic on Amazon and Goodreads and preord…. No no no, it's a joke, (but you can do it anyway, lol), what you should do is add one or two new titles, so let me recommend you to search and read:
  • Connect with your ancestors and honor them as best you know they would like to be honored.

And remember, your teacher is your daily practice, your magic and its results depend a lot on your daily routine. So whatever you do, make it conscious and put your heart into it.

with true love and honesty, Elo.
© Copyright, 2020, Elhoim Leafar.

Check my new upcoming Book (available on pre-order):


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