Closing the Month of Abundance with the Perfect Money Spell

I am writing down the perfect money spell to close a seasoned Month of Abundance.

Every July
It's July, and like every year since 2020, I have dedicated the month of July to personal entrepreneurship. I bless all my financial projects and clients, using ritual space and the collective energy of all these rituals.

In 2021, I started calling this 'July Month of Abundance' on my social media to inspire other witches to take advantage of these opportunities. Mainly because that month and that year was the release of my book “Manifestation Magic,” which was focused on breaking old patterns and tables money-related for witches. More witches from every corner are working individually and collectively on their money and abundance spells and amulets, honoring the different deities of financial prosperity of their respective pantheons this same month, each in their own way, thus creating a collective environment of abundant energy for all.

And yes, like everything you do, there will be critics and people complaining about it, but that should not be your focus. Ultimately, everyone decides whether to create or complain; it is their decision.

Inspired by my book Manifestation Magic, each year, I choose a series of money spells and apply them collectively for all my clients—and, obviously, for myself. As it should be, each time I try and experiment with new things, new variations of each spell, I replace some oils and incense with others. I create new power sigils to inspire new ways to attract money.

This 2024 Month of Abundance
I experimented with new ways to bring mom's traditions into the house this year.

To start, She would prepare a massive jar of rose water (purification and joy) with a few drops of rosemary essential oil (money and protection), place some coins in the bottom of the jar, and spray bottle all the corners of the house. I do the same thing, only replacing the rose water from the market with a boiled aromatic herb infusion (green tea, lemongrass, mint, grated lemon peel, jasmine root, and rosemary) and a tablespoon of lavender essential oil for every 1/2 liter of water. I like to spray all the corners of the house from the inside out, including windows and doors.

You don't need to use all these ingredients; you can use one or two. I have these because I have accumulated them over the years, but be yourself and use what is within your reach.

It has worked out better than expected because we got a new tenant in the house two weeks later, and both (my husband and I) received overtime at work; I can't complain. My boyfriend received a schedule change that he had been waiting for for months. He has a more convenient schedule that fits better with his other job.

To continue, I wiped down all door and window frames with a clean cloth previously anointed with drops of jasmine, rosemary, and lemon oil, reapplying the oil repeatedly with each door and window.

A bath with rose water on Thursday of each week (a day dedicated to Jupiter to symbolize greatness and expansion) and a blue candle at the house's entrance every Wednesday (the day of Mercury, communications, and travel) to establish better communication in the business aspect. As a personal addition, a $50 bill with the tips anointed with money and wealth oil (my blend) on a small mirror in the entrance and using coins to keep it fixed, I'm sure it must have helped a lot.

Other elements that I like to implement each year.
I have a blue money charm bag under the bed, following two entirely different money recipes from my book, The Magical Art of Crafting Charm Bags. I also have a new altar for Abundance, which I previously shared the preparation of on video on my Instagram (Click here to see it). It is full of symbolism and things I already had at home. Using familiar elements like rice and lentils symbolizes wealth, abundance, and closing deals.

A money candle previously prepared with oils and perfumes was lit in the middle of the altar. A blend of white rose petals, rosemary, and camphor was reduced to powder with a mortar and burnt on charcoal to create a perfect homemade incense to attract money and disperse scarcity.

Searching for the perfect money spell

A Note Before We Begin
While this spell incorporates natural elements and symbolism, it's essential to approach magic with respect and ethical considerations. Always ensure that you have permission to harvest any plants and do so sustainably.

Local Adaptation: This spell's specific plants and elements can be adapted to your local environment. Research plants native to your area that symbolize abundance, prosperity, or growth.

Every July, I like to create a different spell. Usually, each sorcerer has their formula for making their spells. These always reflect what each sorcerer has learned, the years of experience, and his religious-esoteric tradition.

I usually like a minimalist altar in my house with zero objects placed there "because that's how it's always been done." I want space and freedom to move everything, with lots of color, aromatic smoke, and natural light coming through the windows.

We are in the year 2024, and it is time to align our purpose with our actions honestly, and that includes everything from the use of ethically extracted crystals and talismans to the use of plants that are not in danger, no white sage under any reason unless you are a descendant of an indigenous-American person. No religious imagery of deities with whom you have had no previous contact; I mean, they don't owe you anything; deities have no obligation to "help" you just because or just because you discovered them by reading Wikipedia.

In this spell, I wanted to try something different. I tried this one time many years ago. I can't even remember which year it was, but I was with Mom at the market, and we bought some interesting red spice called ‘azafran.’ Mom used it to cook exceptional food for the Orixas, and she kept a bit to add to her Orixa’s cake for a celebration.

So I was thinking about that and chose to research a good place to buy saffron. It was well-resourced and entirely organic. It cost much more than I was expecting, but it was excellent, and the aroma was incredible.

So, this is what I did.

  • A small green, violet, or purple pouch or piece of cloth
  • A green or white seven-day candle
  • Cinnamon oil, rosemary oil, or any money-prosperity oil you have.
  • Dried leaves of Bay Laurel (or a local equivalent symbolizing victory and success)
  • Dried petals of a yellow flower (like Sunflower or Dandelion, symbolizing abundance)
  • A small piece of cinnamon stick (symbolizing prosperity and warmth)
  • A pinch of dried ginger (symbolizing energy and vitality)
  • A small crystal of Citrine (or a local substitute symbolizing abundance and prosperity).
  • A half-teaspoon of saffron.
  • A whole teaspoon of rice.

(Obviously) Choose a quiet space at home where you feel grounded and away from distractions. Prepare your altar space for work. Take a few deep breaths to center yourself. Visualize roots growing from your feet, connecting you to the Earth's energy. 

Instead or using any kind of commercial incense, I choose to light (as I often show in my socials) a stick of cinnamon in the kitchen and pass that smoke around the corners to attract money, love, protection, and joy.

Now, rub the candle with a few drops of your money oil and light it.

Fill the green pouch with dried bay leaves, yellow flower petals, cinnamon sticks, rice, and ginger. As you add each ingredient, visualize its symbolic meaning and how it contributes to your goal of abundance. What do they mean to you one by one?

Place the Citrine crystal in the palm of your hand. Visualize it filling with golden light, symbolizing prosperity. Rub a bit of the same oil in the crystal and place it in the pouch.

Hold the pouch in your hands. Close your eyes and visualize how you expect the abundance to flow into your life. Which forms do you wish to take the prosperity when embracing you? Speak your intentions aloud if you can express gratitude for the prosperity that is coming and give a good welcome to it.

Tie the pouch closed with a green ribbon or thread and place it near the burning green candle. Allow the candle to burn completely. Now carry the little bag with you as a talisman, or put it in a particular spot in your home as a focus for your intentions.

I hope you can feel inspired by any of these to put into practice your own money spell, and I wish you the best results at every step of the process.
Xxo, Elo.

All the links you could use.

  • Click Here x My Fortune-Prosperity & Open Roads Candle Service of this Year.
  • Click Here to grab your copy of 'Manifestation Magic: 21 Rituals, Spells, and Amulets for Abundance, Prosperity, and Wealth'.
  • Click Here to grab your copy of 'The Magical Art of Crafting Charm Bags: 100 Mystical Formulas for Success, Love, Wealth, and Wellbeing'.
  • Click Here to grab your copy of 'Dream Witchery: Folk Magic, Recipes & Spells from South America for Witches & Brujas'.
