My Fortune-Prosperity & Open Roads Candle Service of this Year.

I like to offer two candle magic services each year, one during mid-to-late July and one more at the end of the year (like this one, which you can check by clicking here), as a good way for each person to start the following year on the right foot. It is that one—every November to December—that always sells out in just a few days.

Two Candles x You! One for Cleansing Open Roads and One for Money Attraction.
If you wish to have a double work that includes a seven-day white candle specially prepared in your name with path-opening oils at the feet of Eleggua in my house for cleansing and path-opening, followed later by another seven-day candle for money and financial abundance on my Abundance altar for money purposes, rightly anointed with prosperity oils (my personal blend), contact me directly via email or any social media.

This time and for the first time (Thanks to Fortuna and all those who listen to us) there is no limit of spaces for the services. The deadline to be included is August 10, 2024.

The total cost of the service is $55 for those interested and includes large seven-day glass candles, the use of oils and herbs, homemade herbal perfumes, and the time and dedication poured into the service. You can pay through Venmo/Cash App directly to @elhoimleafar and add your personal information in the payment description. For other payment methods or in case of questions, you can contact directly.

*I do not take photographs of personal work for my clients; however, it is not a problem for me to do so. If you want photographs as a daily follow-up of your work, you must communicate this to me at the time of hiring, not days later.