Seven magical ways to Improve your “workplace” if you work from Home.

Responding to my readers, here I share Seven ways to Improve your “workplace” if you work from Home.

Hugs lover, thanks for always coming to my virtual corner. This time responding to your emails as I have been doing lately, I share some information required here.

Working from home is not an easy task, and when you also have a formal part-time job like me (publicist and marketing consultant) it is quite easy to get distracted between one thing and another. About 90% of my work is done from my laptop at home, and I only leave home for work reasons between once and twice a week, either for meetings with clients of some small brand, with entrepreneurs and creatives, or t some magic and sorcery workshop in a local store.

When you work from home it is extremely easy to get distracted. You can move all your furniture and do some feng shui, you can turn off smartphone notifications, or you can set an alarm, all this I have done in the past, but distractions continue to appear.

Obviously, this depends on each individual and not all minds are equal, for some, it is easier to focus on work during the corresponding hours, in my case, I am usually doing several things at the same time, such as taking care of my nephews while I study for college, or attend a workday with my nephews because nobody else is there to take care of them.

In my case, I am so used to doing several things at the same time and keeping myself busy, that if I am reading a book while I exercise in the gym, I simply get bored.

So for this, I have created a series of small magical rituals that help me keep my mind focused and avoid distractions, these work for me, and I hope they work for you too.

  • Pyramids help focus and distribute the flow of energy. That is why I like to keep a small red paper pyramid next to my laptop, activate the energy of knowledge and avoid minor distractions.
  • I use yellow candles to calm and focus the mind. If you have witnessed some of my videos in live via IG / FB, you will have noticed that there is always a candle burning around me, usually white or yellow. Every day when I sit down to work I light a yellow candle and a myrrh incense cone, the candle to make the thoughts flow and the myrrh incense so that “these thoughts” that I am placing in writing, are prosperous and bring fruits.
  • A glass with water, lemon and honey. Not only is it a healthy practice to drink it every day, but it also prevents me from getting up every five minutes to look for something in the freezer, because it calms my anxiety and decreases my appetite. Perhaps this is the least magical of all my rituals.
  • Blessing the hours is always the right thing. Since I sit down to write and plan until I finish, I not only place a timer for 175 minutes in which I do not take the phone, I do not answer calls, I do not check Media, I do not get up to write at all, but also, always I recite "Thank you Obatala for these productive hours today", even before you start. Clearly, you can change the name to the deity or angel of your personal pantheon.
  • The crystals for harmony. I like to keep a small crystal bowl with pieces of quartz and black tourmaline near my workspace, to dispel distractions and absorb anxiety.
  • A tiny pentagram for when all else fails. If you still feel you need something more radical, I have shared this trick earlier in my books. I make a simple drawing of a pentagram with the words "focus", "prosperity", "attention", "intention", "purpose", on each of the tips, I cover it with some essential oil of camphor and roses I keep it under my keyboard permanently.
  • A sprig of lavender. In any store or botany, you can find a full bouquet of lavender for a very good price, but with a twig, it is enough, I like to place it on the computer to bless with wealth and success the result of all my work.

I suggest you follow any of these methods, look for the one that is most useful for you, you do not have to follow them all, for some it may be easier to dedicate all your workspace to elaborate certain rituals and methods, but I understand that not for everyone it is like that, so look for the method that best suits you.



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