Magic & Sorcery for Beginners with me (Part III).

Sorcery for Beginners II

Greetings and Hugs, for those who are following this line of the post, here is the third part, for those who are new here, and still believe in strange things like coincidences, and think that perhaps they have come here by some chance, here I leave the links to the FIRST POST and the SECOND POST.

On this occasion, I am going to share with you a little more information for those who are beginning in witchcraft and for those who are looking for some type of information related to practical wizardry and daily magic.

About online communities.

The digital world is quite complex and is full of options for all tastes and searches, including holistic search engines. On the Internet, you will get enormous ease from online stores, which offer all kinds of items, books, and articles, to quite interesting character profiles and complete groups of "Coven Online".

Usually, due to my experience and part-time work as a publicist, I am a high critic of the use of social networks, I strongly believe that people should focus more on having real friends in the real world and more integrated into their real community, that to focus and waste so much time in online communities, but that yes, not for that reason I am a complete enemy of social networks, I only consider that they should be used with some moderation, limit the daily or weekly time in them, and not spend whole hours checking Facebook, Instagram or Twitter.

Social networks, as well as everything that is created by the hand of man, has its own pros and cons, social networks may well be a double-edged sword or a tool that takes you in the direction of personal development and empowerment professional.

Coven virtual and holistic groups have, as well as everything on social networks, their pros and cons, some of which I am going to break down here for you.


  • They help you meet more people in your community who are looking to grow like you.
  • They invite you to participate in events, workshops, online rituals and conventions.
  • They inform you about recommended books and podcasts on the subject.
  • You can meet in these communities with true experts on the subject who wander there from time to time.
  • They help promote teamwork and participation.


  • They are a mine of Haters and Egolatras who are looking for a place to vent their personal traumas.
  • They attract many phonies who are just looking to make money or fame (or both) at the expense of the novice and inexperienced faith.
  • Many people join the groups but never participate and are only there to be.
  • Some individuals tend to get used to these online communities, and seeking to relate to them, they spend more time fully involved in the internet, worried about their number of followers and likes in each photo, than living the real world.

If you realize, the pros and cons are extremely important, that is why in these online communities you must delve very carefully, and therefore, I am going to give you some recommendations on how to join them and what to do.

  • Looking to join 2 or 3 communities, a mistake that many individuals comment on these Apps, is that they seek to join all the communities, virtual coven, and possible online groups, but they do not participate in any, then only the numbers increase, and these groups become They end up filling up with 1k, 2k or 10k members, but they only get one or two new posts per week. It is like going to eat at the trendy restaurant, waiting hours to enter, once there you meet thousands of people, but no one talks to each other, no one orders food, and no one knows the food.
  • Search for communities where you have contacts and known colleagues so that when you arrive you can encourage conversation, so you will not feel alone, and you can start by posting a post related to what they both like.
  • Be participative, if you are going to join a group, join and participate, make a commitment to yourself to participate in these as if it were a convention that you attend every week, greet the other members, respond to posts, share your ideas, be respectful of others and share posts, videos, podcasts and links related to the group's theme.
  • Care about community empowerment. Be participative in a positive way, encourage others to participate, find your friends there and motivate them to talk in the group, to hold meetings in various places, or even to hold talks and online forums. If you notice that everyone in the group values ​​the work of a common member, a common author, a common blogger, talk about your work and respectfully share your views on it.

I hope you follow these tips and they will help you if you wish, I invite you to join and participate in my online groups on Facebook, I have two small groups of which I am the administrator, and I am always looking for collaborators, if you wish, here below I leave you the links, also, if you have downloaded the Telegram application, I am forming my own online tribe, where every week I am sharing tips and videos (twice a day) about magic, rituals, techniques, videos, links to posts and podcasts, etc…

About fairs, events and live workshops.

Already in these times it is rare to get "closet witches", it is quite rare, but not unusual, not impossible, we live in a society a little more open than that society that our ancestors lived and for that, we must thank. Today we have gone from those long chains of internet forums and mail chains to having online and live events and workshops.

Society, at least in most countries, has a slightly more open mind, or at least the new generations have a more open mind, and thanks to this we have a long list of events and annual conventions held in different countries.

For example in Mexico, they have the march of the witches, and throughout Latin America, it is celebrated, with increasing popularity, the Pagan Day and the day of the Goddess, while here in the USA, in addition to these famous days, we have a multitude of events throughout the country, such as the HexFest in New Orleans, the WitchsFest USA, and the WitchsFest Parade, which are held on the same day in NY City, the TempleFest USA in New Hampshire and many more.

These events and workshops give each and every one of the members of the metaphysical community the opportunity to meet and interact outside the digital world with other members of our holistic community in each city, allowing us to meet others like us, or At least, with our own point of view, they offer us workshops with the best authors, magicians, conjures, and fortune-tellers of the moment, as well as a diversity of small physical stores where we can acquire all those magic and holistic items that are not easy to find on the internet, as well as books, amulets, talismans, incenses, handmade candles, and all kinds of magic items to complement your rituals.

Conventions and events are extremely important for three reasons:

  • It is the place and date where the majority of possible members of the metaphysical community and the holistic tribe gather in the same place. It is there where you will find your new friends, colleagues, participants, and members for that coven that you are looking to realize and all kinds of individuals interested in the spiritual and mystical search.
  • Public conventions and events, such as WitchsFest USA, which take place on a street open to the public, a whole weekend in the eyes of all, are a way of telling the world "here we are, we are not leaving, and here we will continue" It is a way of publicly and proudly honoring all those who preceded us, and it is also a way of making ours one or more days to gather our own without fear of being persecuted.
  • These events are also the ideal place for dozens of creatives and merchants who are looking to offer their handmade merchandise at a good price to an audience that perhaps does not know them, that is where you will find everything from organic handmade soaps and lotions based on vegetable oil, to wooden wands, bags of herbs and flowers of all kinds, crystals and gems, books and all kinds of charms made by witches and wizards who come here to offer them to you.

These events and conventions have hundreds of participants every year, and your attendance at these events is perhaps more important than you think because it is in this way that you show your support for others like you, it is more important to make an effort to attend to these events and support your community, that you continue to make an enormous effort to follow and support those artists and strangers who do not know who you are but who still follow you on Instagram.

Remember buy your magical Items in the next new age and esoteric Stores:

For no reason, I am going to recommend you to use Amazon, but if you are a regular Online shopper, if I am going to suggest here a brief list of online store options in which I personally usually acquire some products, or I simply know their owners and them that these are trusted magicians and sorcerers who do a good job.

If with something I am very critical it is with the magic stores, I like to distinguish properly the Botanics (more focused on voodoo, hoodoo and folk magic), the esoteric stores (where the fort is the books, tools, and workshops live) and the boutiques (more influenced by the new age movement). So here I will leave for you the links to my favorites and most recommended, if you are a blog reader, you have an online store (not phone shop) and you want to be added here, please let me know.

In the 4th Post (next week) I will write about... 
  • Enchantments and enchanted items.
  • Protection Ritual for you and your loved ones.
  • Ritual to honor the protector spirits of the family.
  • Ritual to close old portals in the house and clean the energy.

And remember, you are not reading this from the vision and perspective of an expert but from another seeker of power and wisdom like you.

Elhoim Leafar 



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