Prosperity, Joy & Peace.

Prosperity, Joy & Peace.

How to call them from your Holidays Eve dinner

Those magical elements you need if you want to organize a Christmas/Holidays dinner to attract prosperity, joy, and health in the next cycle.

Although Christmas Eve or Christmas Eve, it is a Catholic holiday with certain pagan origins that seek to celebrate the nativity of the son of the god of the Jews, today Christmas dinner is rather an excuse that many take advantage of to reunite with family and friends, work colleagues and loved ones, when it comes to Christmas Eve, everyone is welcome.

Then I will share with you a brief list of elements that in my belief and experience it is important to keep with you at the table, especially on these festive dates to attract the best energy, and more importantly, to grant the desire to repeat this special occasion annually attracting more abundance in each cycle.


They provide the best lighting and an atmosphere full of romance, dim light, and blessings, are a source of vital energy for any environment and light the way for our loved ones.

Light the candles using preferably wooden matches and do not blow them out, although the most suitable color for the occasion series white, green or red, remember that you can also use blue, gold, violet or silver.

Choose the color according to your wishes (red for love, green for money, white for peace) and always recite a small personal mantra before lighting the wick of each candle.


They are essential on these festive dates, red apples on the table indicate prosperity, good health, protection, and harmony.

Place a red apple for each guest in a wooden or glass bowl, or on a single-colored plate, you can cheat on it and place caramel apples that will also serve as dessert.


This plant is a powerful symbol of good luck and perseverance, by joining them with apples they attract health, love, and prosperity, and the candles are responsible for boosting their energy.

Some branches of bite around the table or in the center of it along with the apples and candles will give very good energy to all who are present.


It symbolizes good fortune, especially in the field of love, it was widely used in the time of the Celts, for them it was a custom to decorate the houses with holly garlands to protect their inhabitants and avoid unwanted visits throughout the year.


Its extremely sweet and slightly spicy aroma has always been linked to the love, money, and protection of our material goods (home, car, commercial premises, office, etc, ...). In my books, I usually advise that you make a blend with cinnamon and apple essential oil, which you can anoint on any object, amulet or garment to make it a powerful protection talisman, and it is a quite functional mixture so do not doubt its powers.

Your smile

That is the most important talisman that should not be missing at the table, leave worries aside for a moment, let go of that feeling of wanting to change what is not in your hands, stop focusing on what you cannot control, and focus your energy on positive thoughts to give all your guests an atmosphere of protection and joy that can be repeated every year.

Blessings to all.
by Elhoim Leafar

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