Neptune & Jupiter closing 2019 with a very good vibe for you.

The influential Neptune

Neptune has been retrograde in the sign of Pisces since June, the planet of the seas and waves has been at a slow but steady pace in the most mystical sign of the zodiac, this moment has been creating a strong creative tension and a sensation of stagnation, a clear "I do not know why this does not progress", but that is about to end.

Neptune begins to take its direct course on November 27, just after the new moon, we will then feel that those waters (hitherto stagnant) of Neptune, begin to flow freely and the creative expression returns to its usual course.

It is a time to reconnect with that that inspires you and that you can feel that you have let go for a long time, it is a moment to reconnect with that creative source that inspires and heals your spirit connecting with something that is transcendent in your life.

Between waves and visions of a distant future.

Neptune is linked to the movement of the deep sea (the secrets) and precognitive dreams (caution and clairvoyance), now that the blue planet is returning to its usual rhythm, it is recommended that you be prepared for those secrets that may come to light and be cautious about the effects they will have on your perspective and way of understanding the world around you.


Jupiter in Sagittarius is the sign of union and progress, it is the "join and win" in all its context, the retrograde period of Jupiter occurred between April and August, and it was a time to analyze the mistakes we have made in our own processes and projects, it was time to know exactly how we self-sabotage and why, from there start from scratch to live in a different way, more focused on the now and the future, and on how to improve our lifestyle .

Jupiter, the planet of goals and glory, positioned in the sign of the archer, is getting you to analyze your relationship with the outside world and abroad, to think about traveling and knowing the world, studying different languages ​​and letting yourself be influenced by the world that you do not know, is a moment that motivates you to expand your horizons and leave the comfort zone.

Seeking personal growth is Jupiter's goal, and that is why it is forcing you to get down to action.

The interaction of the gods.

On November 24 there is a long-awaited dance of father and daughter, the conjunction between Jupiter in Sagittarius (your goals) with Venus in Capricorn (your desires), if Jupiter represents your way of achieving your goals, and Venus represents your way of feel and desire, this strategic position of both in the signs of Sagittarius and Capricorn (the direction and prudence), are the impulse that you may need to achieve your personal goals (not work or financial) from a new perspective, understanding that it is exactly what you are doing wrong, what you should improve on yourself, and what you really want and need.


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