My #SocialMedia break

No posting / No liking / Just living

Hey lovers and followers! I'm taking a little break of #SocialMedia so, this is 'temporarily' closed for real Spiritual Maintenance. You can find in the meantime here me in my blog (remember to subscribe) and text me to DM if you want/need to contact me or be part of my private group.

For some months now I have been dealing with this possibility, but several projects have emerged, one after the other, and it was difficult for me to say no to any of these, each project and each opportunity is incredible in its own way,

For those who have been following me for some time, they know that I finished the University after having studied "Marketing and Advertising" with a specialization in 'Digital Marketing' and application of "Social Media" for advertising campaigns, it was not the right career for me, but I did because I would like to, I simply had an obligation with myself to have a university degree as a tool to be able to emigrate in the future outside a country in crisis.

While that is true, this career has opened many doors and allowed me to meet many artists and businessmen that I really admire, however, dealing 24/7 with individuals who believe that social networks are a lifetime, it is truly sickly.

My passage through social networks has always been a complication, I come from the old school of blogs and internet forums, from the extensive mailing lists and from sitting down to read the comments on my computer with a cup of coffee, dedicating myself a couple of hours a day to it is a hobby that allows me to be connected with followers and readers from all over the world.

Start my first forum on the Internet to discuss shamanism and spiritual work in 2006, on the website (very famous at that time in Latin America) '', I remained as the leader of the forum for several years until the Page closed, I started my first blog about magic and astrology in 2009, and this blog where I write entirely in English in 2017, not to mention that I had a column that was published Month by Month in the Venezuelan magazine 'Dominical' where he answered emails with questions of an esoteric nature and shared rituals constantly.

But social networks, that's another story, those who follow me know that for me personally, and I never give up on telling my clients, Facebook is a sick aberration, it's depressing, overwhelming, boring, full of groups with thousands of participants who don't They are interested in being there, absurd memes, and hate groups. Once someone said that "social networks were a reflection of reality", that person has always been quite wrong, I read and analyze in detail my user statistics and statistics of my clients, and I know very well that this is not true, but I will not explain that here because it would be material for an entire post, or even for a complete book that probably nobody would read, because everyone would be busy reading memes and overwhelming advertisements of unnecessary products on Facebook.

Instagram is for me (and in my opinion) so fun (because in a certain way it allows content creators to explore beyond its limits) as overwhelming, excessive advertising, privacy issues and an absurd algorithm that turns the social network into Most antisocial platform of all, stimulates the ego of a few while embracing the anxiety of many others, any post can easily reach 500 or 1k likes for only a minimum payment of $ 10, and many of my clients, in the anxiety to try If they seem relevant to other brands of doubtful quality and uncertain origin (but with a greater number of likes and followers), they invest large sums of money to achieve some relevance and thus avoid being negatively compared to their rivals.

Signatures and companies have passed through my files and desk capable of investing figures between $ 10k and $ 25k (($ 10,000 - $ 25,000) for a small advertisement to promote some minor product, as in other cases, I have served clients with incredible products, phenomenal and with true quality, that lack that budget, and I have had to dedicate myself with them to create low-budget campaigns putting the whole heart and creativity to get a quarter of the results we are looking for, all due to a simple algorithm that does not stop changing every six months to force you to spend more time within the social network.

Social networks feed the anxiety and idolatry of people who simply seek to be popular simply because, practically, being themselves, it is depressing for many individuals, owners of real brands, products and services, to see how their businesses seem be irrelevant compared to other brands that lack quality and transparency, not because they have a better product or a better work team, but simply because they have the budget to buy a larger number of ads that allow them to gain followers on social networks and be invited to any beauty pageant to advertise their products there, simply based on the number of followers they have.

Social networks are, like everything that has been created by the hand of man, a double-edged sword, although you can use them to communicate great ideas, poems, music, promote events, products, and services, as well as to contact your loved ones. Social networks are currently the main weaponry of dishonest politicians (Donald Trump, Barnie Sanders, Hugo Chavez, Nicolas Maduro, Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, etc...) to promote their separatist ideas and their unfounded and moral opinions in the Healthier and easier to impress minds of the youngest.

And as long as the publicity of a political nature is welcome on social networks, they will not be safe, because we cannot consider a platform whose income comes from the marketing team of a Republican candidate without political experience, whose ideology is based on free trade of weapons and the construction of a wall to prevent the entry of immigrants who for years have built this nation on their backs.

My reasons to enter?

Despite all of the above, even wanting to stay low profile, I have been obliged to join social networks to promote my work, because if previously when blogs were not fashionable, I could easily receive about 150 visitors per day in my page, for six years the visits vaguely reach 150 people per month if I do not focus on advertising, incredible this taking into account that many blogs use my material as a reference for their content.

If I focus on saturating social networks announcing every time I make a new post, I get around 500 visits in one day, 968 visits on a Friday, but that implies hours of work and content creation for social networks, just to end up rivaling with larger pages or bloggers with a high promotion budget.

Even so, I have managed to keep my blog all this time and grow the subscriber list by 37% thanks to the constant publication, however, this means falling into the trick routine of other blogs, publishing excess content of lower quality, with Less dedication and much less detail.

What will I do now?

Far from the drama, the truth is that I will take advantage of those 12 hours a week that I dedicate to my social media to focus on my next books that are quite late for reasons beyond my control, work on my clients, of which I am literally delivering the account of Most of these to some colleagues, travel a little through two or three cities that I'm dying to meet, listen to music and spend quality time at home with my partner.

I will continue to publish something new every week here in my blog, and I will continue to leave the links of each post in my twitter account as usual, which is actually with Tumblr, the only social networks of my pleasure and respect.

I am also creating a small group exclusively to share my daily content, links to my blog, ads for books and workshops, etc ... Through the application for Telegram smartphones, if you want the number just ask for it here below in the comments or write me a DM on Twitter or Tumblr.

Books & Workshops

I started writing my next book around March 2016, and it is not ready yet, my other book is practically in the hands of the publishing house, it is entirely up to them the decision to publish it or not, I am planning some workshops in certain stores in the city NY and NJ for the Summer-Fall 2020 season, as well as I, will be present at the WitchFest in New York and at the HexFest 2020 in New Orleans.

See you soon, I hope to return to social networks in late winter and early spring 2020.

With much love to all my faithful readers and followers, this Urban Shaman sends blessings and much love.

Elhoim Leafar


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