Venus Retrograde in Aries, March 2017

Venus Retrograde

"I will love you if you do what I want ... And you love me back".

Venus is well known to all as the Goddess of love and beauty, is also the planet of emotions and personal relationships, represents the principle of universal femininity and the need to intimately relate to others, and as such, Venus symbolizes for us the desire for union, the inner quest for balance and personal satisfaction.

Venus is the ruling planet of Taurus (Earth sign) and Libra (Air sign) so we have seen the need to get used to its changing mood and ambiguous character. Venus is passionate and earthy, but in turn, is melancholic and highly emotional, ready to sacrifice for love, either for love of others or for love to oneself.

Venus begins its retrograde in the sign of Aries, on Saturday March 4 and then, on April 15 in the sign of Pisces, it resumes its usual route. The planetary retrogradation allows us to pause our lifestyle a little to focus on analyzing in detail the different aspects that govern this planet, the changes (positive or negative) and the advances (or setbacks) that we are facing in that aspect. In this case, Venus as regent of interpersonal relationships and love of couple, invites us to self-analyze our relationships, to evoke old conversations that have remained unresolved and to analyze how we are failing, it is time to adapt to change and not Ignore what is happening around us.

Venus retrograde revises those topics that have remained in STOP! for a long time, this movement of the planet of love creates a necessary introspection that invites us to analyze our own behavior. This psychic "revision" affects the whole earth equally, making us all part of the same cosmological event, which each one will feel in different ways under their own circumstances, but which no one will avoid or ignore. The retrogradation of Venus causes the messages be perceived as innuendos or indirects, while the faults and defects of others seem to us now greater than usual, which leads to all sorts of enmities and discussions occasioned by disenchantment itself and misunderstandings.

The retrogradation of Venus in the Aries Sign creates a certain tendency to frustration and susceptibility, leads us to re-analyze our own objectives in a relationship, to ask each other 'Where do you expect to be in five, ten, twenty or fifty years' and listen attentively the response of whoever accompanies us, so we will know if we are on the right track to our achievements, in an alternative but lasting way or if we are simply wasting time and we have not noticed it.

It is time to be yourself, to self-analyze completely, to detoxify yourself from the opinions of others, to stop living for others, to see or feel them, to try to be yourself, to go outside with your most natural aspect, without poses or makeup, with your comfortable clothing, not with fashion clothes. Venus invites us to love each other, to know ourselves and to love ourselves, it is no time to follow any trend, it is time to follow what your body and your heart ask for. It is time to be yourself and not to be the vulgar copy of a magazine cover, stop striving to be the perfect person, you are the perfect image of the cosmos that lives in you, and if you are not willing to show it and appreciate it, no one else will notice. If you cover your own shine with the "latest fashion" makeup, you will only be one more manufacture and will not be yourself.

What to do when Venus is retrograde?

When Venus is retrograde this is usual: Old loves reappear and begin to see "second chances" that often do not lead to success, but rather a continuous repetition of past events. It is a perfect stage for reflection and re-negotiation.

This planetary phase urges us to thoroughly assess the needs of love in each relationship, to evaluate our own ability to give and receive, to delve deeper into our own relationships and to consciously accept whether those relationships are affecting our own integrity.

What to avoid when Venus is retrograde?

In addition to the usual "Do not marry or take hasty decisions" to which we are accustomed with retrograde Venus. It is wise to avoid unclear situations that can become major discomforts in the long term, it is necessary to avoid during this stage to make all kinds of investments and especially loans, compulsive shopping and financial strategy planning. Venus Retrograde makes us nostalgic and emotional, forces us to see things bigger than they really are, makes us see any minimal opportunity as a window into the future and often makes us accelerate In making decisions that we believe at all costs are correct because it seems "the easy way", but these decisions we end up paying ina a quite expensive way, and by taking them immediately, we let pass bigger opportunities that are about to arrive. Despite all of the above, it is a good time to make movings and changes in our lives, as long as they have been properly planned.

Venus for everyone

As in radiesthesia and other forms of psychic evolution and / or modern divination, we are taught that man and woman (beyond the sexuality of each person) have important factors that are not interchangeable, for example, masculinity is more linked to the "yang" energy, which is an active, assertive, aggressive and linear energy, more linked to the sun, fire and air. On the other hand, femininity is more linked to the "yin" energy, which is a passive but constant energy, the moon, darkness, night, intuition, water and earth.

On a similar way, men and women have different magnetic poles. For the followers or habitual students of the dowsing this is a little easier to understand, and for all the others, let me explain, the jacket usually used by a man has yang energy on the outside and yin energy on the Inside, while the jacket usually used by a woman has the poles in opposite directions, so the planets can affect us in different ways according to their different positions and the poles of each person, so I briefly explain below what this means on this time, leaving this as an introduction so you can understand it.

Venus retrograde in Men

Venus's retrograde position causes a tendency in males to feel manipulated, susceptible or "used" for other purposes by their partner, especially in men over the age of thirty it is common to feel out of place in the relationship when this stage occurs. We men also perceive that they are just wasting time in a relationship where we are being used by someone smarter than them. It is time to take a deep breath, to analyze exactly what it is that we feel and not to remain silent. If something is bothering you during the retrogradation stage of Venus, it is better to communicate it passively at the moment, and prevent this from accumulating and eventually bursting later turning a simple annoyance into a frontal war.

Venus retrograde in Women

The retrogradation of this planet tends to affect the female sex morer than the male, the people most in contact with their female side may feel unintelligent, lonely or even ignored during this phase, and also a tendency to tantrums and depression is common, like when feeling that everyone is against you. Do not get carried away by rumors, make an effort to not misinterpret the signals, and do not feel that everyone is against you, the priority at the moment is you, be your priority, focus on the next weeks in yourself and not in what others think of you. You are your own priority, not that of others.

Blessings. Elo!

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