Making a pillow of Dreams
Making a pillow of Dreams
"Autumn, shorter days, longer nights..."
The nights are made to dream. To help us in our work with dreams, we make pillows with the traditional magical herbs that favor our children to relax, have deep dreams and then remember to share them... Younger children enjoy filling the pillow with the herbs, but the older ones prefer to carry out the whole process, from cutting the fabric boxes, sewing them, stuffing them and decorating them.

Dream pillows should not be the size of a normal pillow (we would need kilos of herbs to fill them). We can do them in two ways: a large, flat pillow, without much filler, so that your children sleep directly on them, or a smaller one, that is stored under our pillow during the day, and when it's time to sleep we put our Pillow of dreams above the regular one so as to breathe all night the magic aroma of herbs...
For a small dream pillow two pieces of 15cm x 15cm square fabric are used, the larger ones to suit your own taste. It is important to choose a natural fabric: cotton, silk or linen. Children like to choose the color or pattern, a delicious option is to recycle and look between old clothes and fabrics that we have stored, the magic result of the pillow is highened by the memory associated with that garment ... Velvet Is also the favorite of children.
With the chosen fabric and cut, we fasten with needles with good sides in the interior and face to face, sew with simple stitches, preferably manually (adding personality and emotional value when doing it entirely by hand), leaving 2.5cm (1") from the edge . The central space must be at least 7cm, once sewn, the pillow is turned over and the corners are pushed out with the aid of a pencil. Now we proceed to filling, with two generous bags of dried herbs, and including a generous amount of lavender (or another to your personal taste).
Filling options: dried lavender flowers, dried rose petals, dried chamomile flowers (which traditionally help to sleep), melissa, agrimony (helps to sleep to those with emotional problems), dry rosemary (good to remember dreams), anise (prevents nightmares), yarrow, purslane, thyme (helps in depression), chestnut leaves (to have pleasant dreams), lemon balm, clove, mint (to cause refreshing dreams that encourage rest).
Once we fill our dream pillow, we sew the opening that remains. Perhaps your children want to decorate and personalize the pillow: sewn cords, or hanging from the corners, some canvas applique sewn on the pillow with special decoration. ... When we notice that our pillow loses aroma, it is enough to shake it so that it again releases its fragrance. We can also open it and renew the herbs when it suits us.
Blessings.... Elhoim
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