Tradition in Modern Times...

Tradition in Modern Times

It is very nice to see how traditions have slowly retaken the faith of humanity and even today we live in a society overloaded with information, social networks and thousands of electronic products and unnecessary applications covering most of our time, still the old traditions have been retained and have recently begun to gain more strength as community role.

It is true that the world is currently saturated with technological advances, many of them useful and others simply a vile scam from the corporate world to get the money from your pockets.

Still, this ensures that many people seek more within themselves than they can find in a digital store, and it is there where the old traditions, steadfast, and vibrant as in the early centuries.

Honoring the old traditions not only satisfies you emotionally and spiritually, also gives you the opportunity to find your ancestors, sharing with them and honor them as they worshiped their deities and customs when they were part of this world of living things.

Traditions allow us to honor the past and all those who came into the world before us, but they must be taken with an honest respect and should be practiced at heart.

Traditions are often colorful and cheerful festivities, others are quite often sad and nostalgic, but all in turn are a way to celebrate life changes, joy and humanity in different ways.

If you study the traditions of your people and your family and you carry out, you're rediscovering with your roots and your ancestors, but ... When you study traditions of other peoples and countries in one way or another you become part of them, and you go to reacquaint yourself with the world.

Elhoim Leafar


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