June Rite for Balance...

June Rite for Balance

June is the month of Juno, protective Goddess of marriage and family, Queen of Heaven and of the Gods. We say goodbye to the half year with a balancing ritual for luck and energy in our favor.

The following completely herbal ritual allows you to balance the positive energies from home and avoid unnecessary discussions.

By the first day of June in a comfortable space of our home we make a magical circle, light a stick of incense of frankicense and a purple candle.

Mix in your little cauldron or bowl at least 4 of the following dried and ground, angelica herbs, basil, liverwort, rosemary, lavender, clover, verbena or elderberry. Ground them all together in the pot and add a few drops of essential oil of camphor, continue mixing with your hands and sprinkle the mixture on your amulets and doorways of the house.

Burn one more incense stick in every corner of the home after the ritual and proceed to do a complete housecleaning to dissipate the energetic residues of the ritual.

More Rituals here: Rites Of Happiness


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