The Moon in the Air Signs

The Moon in the Air Signs

When the moon is in the air signs like Gemini, Libra & Aquarius, is the ideal moment to create magic that involves the element of Air, Climate and Thoughts, the air signs give us power to cast change, mental and spiritual transformation spells.

On The Moon of Air we invoke sylphs and fairies, spirits of the air who live over the tops of the trees and the branches of these respectively. White or yellow are the color of the candles to include in the ritual space during this time and it is preferable that these magic altars face East if possible.

Moon in Gemini ♊

Is best suited to perform magic related to social relations, friendship, honesty and justice, magic that balances our lives and brings back the time we've lost, emotional healings and cooking of healing beverages or formulas, this is the Moon of the Alchemists who use her power to manifest the transmutation of metals.

The Moon in Libra ♎

Is when we do rituals to balance our lives and our thoughts, drive sorrows away and forget the bad experiences, promote the learning of a new science and develop magical abilities to control the spirits, the magic that is related to longevity and youth, as well as spells to heal an ill someone who is far away.

The Moon in Aquarius ♒

There's no better time for climate-related spells that this Moon. The Celts believed that the moon in Aquarium has the power to bring rain in times of drought, the rain that falls this Moon's evening is usually quite special. She is the right moon to get us out of a jam or a complicated situation. We craft amulets to strengthen the courage and return hope to a beloved one.

Extract from the book: Wicca! Love & Soul
Author: Elhoim Leafar
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