Full Moon of February 2016

Full Moon of February 2016
Moon in Virgo

February is named in honor of the Februas an annual ritual purification that used to be celebrated in ancient Rome, the Sabines celebrated this rite near the 15th of February every year to leave behind the negativity and tragedies of the year goodbye .

The full of the month of February at the 2016 moon has the influence of the sign of Virgo, according to tradition is the moon relates to the field of medicine, homeopathy, healing, diet and medical check-ups, it is the best moon of the year to start a new diet.

Moon in Earth Signs

When the moon is in the earth signs like Taurus, Virgo & Capricorn, it is the ideal place for magic that involves the element earth, nature and plants, when the earth signs give us the power to cast spells that promote will and sympathy.

In the Moon of Earth conjure gnomes and elves, those tiny but wise spirits of the forest and gardens, the color for the sails we will use in the ritual space during this day is coffee or green, and it is preferable that this magic altars have seen north if possible.

Moon in Virgo

The full moon in Virgo Moon is a moon of earth, firm and concrete lunaciĂłn not unbalanced at nothing, brand bearings safely and going at a steady pace in its objectives, is a moon of great influence to all those who want carry out a major project.

During the Moon in Virgo we perform magic that strengthens the senses, spirituality and dispels doubts, spells to overcome difficult situations, find a solution to something that afflicts us, combat stress and emotional inhibition and ward off evil spirits.

The February full moon it is also known as the Wild Moon, Snow Moon, Corn Moon or hunger moon.

Moonstone: Amethyst.
Moon Flower: Iris.
Color: Violet, purple and white.
Animal: The otter and bear.
To bless stones: amethyst, pyrite, opal and tiger eye
Incense: Vanilla, coconut and rye.


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