Serpents Of Circe is Available Out There + Another Spell for You!

A couple of weeks ago, the fantastic book SERPENTS OF CIRCE: A Manual to Magical Resistance was released. Published by Revelore Press and edited by Laura Tempest Zackroff and Ron Padrón, it is a manual for magical resistance.

Serpents of Circe is a comprehensive guide to magic, offering knowledge and tools for practitioners of all levels. Inside, you'll find a diverse collection of sigils, spells, recipes, essays, invocations, rituals, and more, all contributed by experienced magickal practitioners. Whether you're seeking inspiration, guidance, or practical advice, this handbook is designed to empower you on your magical journey.

VIDEO | Serpents of Circe Virtual Release Party

This book includes multiple featuring writers, each with a different practical and valuable idea to share in the book a form of spells and charms. In this book, I had the chance to collaborate with my own spell, I had six different spells for the occasion, so I wrote two more and chose four in total for my own selection. From there, I sent two spells I think have the more extensive possibilities to fit" the book cause they are not about "making" a cute spell with a pretty name" but about making something other people can put into practice in their own time and under their own circumstances.

Luckily, the editors included one of the original old ones, "Ancestral Spiderweb Ward: A Spell for Resilience." Anyway, I still liked this other one, too, and I would be happy with any of them being included. There is nothing like a spell you know well that works, and knowing other people will be able to use it, too.

Serpents of Circe is available now on multiple online platforms. You can order yours HERE and HERE and through other online portals. If you order yours, you can enjoy access to this other spell below to put into practice what immigrants feel right.

The Immigrant's Tapestry: A Spell for Justice, Sovereignty, and Empowerment

A spell bloomed within me before setting foot on American soil (August 2015). I was adrift in the currents of visa applications, fueled by Rihanna's "American Oxygen" (April 2015). Her Barbadian anthem thrummed against a political firestorm, a defiant counterpoint to the rhetoric of the "American Empire" managed by my country’s leaders in my native Venezuela. Yet, I clung, like many others, to the American dream. With each visa denial, the fire intensified, and I continued trying. Finally, on my third attempt, the gates opened. Here, in New York, I vowed to honor the welcoming spirit of this land. Every year, I revisit this spell, weaving new threads into its fabric, a testament to my enduring belief and a promise kept.

The Spell

This spell was made to celebrate immigrants' integration with the land and honor their place in the process. It weaves a tapestry of resilience, drawing upon the strength of the immigrant’s chosen land and the whispers of ancestral guidance to dismantle the obstacles and claim rightful sovereignty.

Ritual Preparation

After sunset, shower and prepare as you usually do for your ritual. Dress comfortably, and take slow, deep breaths a couple of times before you begin. Light the incense and, if you wish (optional), put a white candle on your altar.


~ A white candle and your option of incense.

~ Local soil: A small amount of soil from the city or town where the immigrant lives, representing their connection to their new home.

~ Herbs and Flowers (Choose a few):

* Rosemary (strength, remembrance)

* Mint (prosperity, growth)

* Dandelion (persistence, overcoming adversity)

* Orange blossom (new beginnings, joy)

~ Rock: A smooth, flat rock found locally, symbolizing foundation and stability.*

~ Personal Item: A small hair or nail clipping represents the immigrant's essence and determination. Or fresh body fluids in a small jar.

~ Offering: A small item from the immigrant's homeland. This could be a coin, a pin, a memento, a special piece of fabric, or a postcard from the place.

~ Red paint and a brush.

*In the Afro-Caribbean tradition of Candomble, among many other beliefs, the faith is shared that the rocks that draw our attention are the souls or 'Otanes' of local spirits and deities never given a name by the living. Because of this, they solidified by not being worshiped. Bringing these to the altar awakens them and gives us a unique and individual spiritual connection with them.


Cleanse all the ingredients using the smoke from the incense you choose, which can be an incense cone or a mix of loose incense. Cast a circle (if you practice circle magic), create a dedicated space for the ritual, or simply prepare your altar space.  

Awaken the Stone's Power

As your first act, transform the rock into your world map. With brush and paint, trace a cross upon its surface, marking the cardinal directions – North, South, East, and West. These lines create four sacred quadrants, each awaiting its inscription.

Symbols of Home and Haven

Now comes the act of channeling your intent. In the four quadrants, freely draw symbols that resonate with your purpose. Here, there is no prescribed order; follow the whispers of your intuition.

Two symbols can represent your ancestral land or the land of the immigrants you wish to protect. Perhaps it's a soaring mountain range, a life-giving river, or a vibrant flower native to their homeland. These symbols act as beacons, drawing upon the strength and resilience of their heritage.

The remaining two symbols can represent the current land from which you cast the spell. This could be a bustling cityscape, a majestic redwood tree, or a powerful animal that embodies the spirit of the place. These symbols acknowledge the power and potential of your adopted home.

There's no right or wrong regarding the complexity of your symbols. Let your creativity flow, whether they are minimalist sigils or detailed landscapes over a bit of the space in the rock. When the witch’s heart is invested in the ritual, every mark becomes imbued with powerful intention and magic.

Place the soil in the center of your space in a little cauldron or a plate. Arrange the herbs and flowers around it in a pleasing arrangement. Then, put the rock, now turned into a powerful item, on top of the soil and next to the rock that item as an offering you bring with you.

Breathe deep again and take a moment to visualize immigrants' struggles and challenges and their unwavering spirit and strength. See the white light intensifying, fueled by their determination and your magic. 

Now pronounce the Chant below*

*This was originally written in Portuguese and Spanish and then translated, so the rhythm is not perfect. However, you can improvise and rewrite it if you feel the need to.

"Ancestors listen to me, across the oceans wide, 

Your journeys mirrored each immigrant's stride. 

Spirits of this land, ancient and wise, 

Take the form of serpents with glowing eyes. 

Lend your power to break through every chain, 

Grant sovereignty and rights they can reclaim.

With rock, soil, and a piece of my might, 

weave myself into this tapestry of light. 

Justice and fairness, my voice will demand, 

Empowered, I rise on this welcoming land."

Now, take a moment—just a single simple moment—to visualize the white light swirling and moving around the ingredients, coiling like serpents and weaving a protective barrier around the entire place surrounding you. See it: banishing any obstacles and protecting you and others from anything.

Thank the spirits and ancestors for their aid and dissolve the Circle (if used). Thank the space's guardians and release the energy. Breathe deep and let go of the spell to do its work.

Placement post-Spell.

Keep the rock with the herbs and soil on your altar or another special place in your home as a reminder of your strength and connection to your new home. It can be inside a small cauldron or a sorcerer’s jar.

With LOVE, El. Author of 'The Magical Art of Crafting Charm Bags' and 'Dream Witchery'.
