Dec 15 | New Year's Rituals for Good Fortune & Protection.

Sunday, December 15

New Year's Rituals for Good Fortune & Protection.

Register for the class, and you'll receive access to the recording and a specially-made PDF with the instructions to craft 12 fortune charms.

Click HERE to Join! 

For a couple of years now, as is tradition, I like to close each year with a workshop focused on teaching the most effective rituals and spells I have used to attract money, success, wealth, and good fortune.

This year, I am also including and reviewing for the workshop attendees a series of practical tools and basic knowledge of protection and cleansing for themselves, their homes, and altars.

Register for the class, and you'll receive access to the recording and a specially-made PDF with instructions on how to craft 12 fortune charms.

This virtual class includes three energetic cleansing rituals, four protection rituals for ourselves to apply to our loved ones and locations, seven good fortune rituals, and a brief review of the lunar phases and their relationship with our personal and professional entrepreneurship projects.

The workshop lasts 80-90 minutes of practical work on camera and a 20-30 minute Q&A slot at the end. Attendees only need to bring paper and pencil to take notes as we go through the class (it is entirely virtual).


*If you are registered for the class, you will receive 24-48 hours of access to the recording of the class and a specially made PDF with additional information to work on your relationship with good fortune throughout the new year 2025.

Click HERE to Join! 

Read also:

  • Egg's Magickal Cleansing Methods. HERE
  • Eleggua's Coconut for Healing and Protection. HERE
  • 8 Easy-To-Do Rituals for Money and Abundance. HERE
And order my books directly from AMZN or your favorite local bookstores:
  • The Magical Art of Crafting Charm Bags: 100 Mystical Formulas for Success, Love, Wealth, and Wellbeing. HERE
  • Manifestation Magic: 21 Rituals, Spells, and Amulets for Abundance, Prosperity, and Wealth. HERE
  • Dream Witchery: Folk Magic, Recipes & Spells from South America for Witches & Brujas. HERE
