Gatekeepers & The Cult of Personalities in the Craft.
The Cult of Personalities vs. the Craft
Hey you! In 2021, I wrote another post, Self-Initiations and New Traditions, which became one of the most popular posts on this blog. Thinking recently about it, I wrote this other one as a follow-up to the conversation.
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The kind of posts I made that make every racist get mad. |
Let's talk about the elephant in the coven room, the state of witchcraft covens today. Here's the thing: Gatekeepers aren't the enemy. They're the guardians who ensure the craft's sanctity stays in the right hands. It's the performance of gatekeeping that grates. Those public tantrums thrown by those denied entry? They're precisely why we need discernment.
A gatekeeper is a loyal, trained protector of the secrets of a path, a guardian of the realm's doors. They are the assigned guardians of the craft in every path, like a mother protecting the most precious thing she has, her children, against bullies who ask how to cause them any damage.
A gatekeeper is the last resourceful tool to protect the real Craft. Especially in these times where kids read half a witchcraft book and half a Wikipedia article and end up making a 60-to-90-second TikTok video about the rituals that black people and descendants of slaves have done. To protect for decades, they have performed these rituals to protect their descendants against the oppressive hands of the colonizers and slavers. These are taken, dismantled, deconstructed, criticized, and taken out of context in a 60-to 90-second animated video with a pop song in the background.
To know more about this first topic, you can CLICK HERE to read my post 'Why are Gatekeepers so Important in Witchcraft'.
Ego-driving Coven.
The real problem lies deeper, festering in many established traditions' hearts. It's the insidious disease of ego-driven competition. These traditions are locked in a never-ending contest for relevance, a desperate scramble for external validation. Instead of nurturing new witches, they become talent scouts for ego-massaging minions. Dissenting voices are immediately silenced, and individuality 'should be' extinguished.
The result? Covens morph into personality cults. Blind obedience reigns supreme, and critical thought is banished. The deification of the leader replaces devotion to the pantheon. Coven gatherings become echo chambers devoid of genuine exploration.
While I may not like the term "tradition" slapped on overnight creations, the need for fresh paths is undeniable. The spirit of the craft craves evolution, just like everything else in the cosmos.
But here's my bone to pick: using the word "tradition" is a slap in the face to those who've spent generations safeguarding the craft. It's a lie peddled to starry-eyed seekers. This isn't some ancient lineage passed down through whispered secrets. It's a soulless, mass-produced brand of witchcraft churned out by entrepreneurial opportunists. Forget nights of practice under the moon; this is "Witchcraft for Dummies" packaged for profit.
If my husband, who does not practice witchcraft as regularly as I do and does not belong to any coven, decided to participate and create with me our own path (Another unnecessary modern tradition of witchcraft), I am not saying that we are going to do it. The correct thing would be to say, "This new path that we have created together is based on X, Y, and Z".
A typical red flag that is easy to identify when people just want to create a cult is when they strive to make it as relevant as possible. As if my husband and I said, "his ten years of practice, and my 30 years of practice, added to the years of practice of our first members equals more than 100 years of experience", which is a Big No!. We do not have a combined 100 years of experience; experience is not something you add and multiply like this as if it were ounces of water that you add to a jar.
These "organized paths" often devolve into cults fueled by the leader's insatiable ego. Red flags abound, the biggest being the overnight creation masquerading as a legacy. These are manufactured mysteries, not the organic product of generations of practice.
The Real New Paths
However, let's paint all new paths with a different brush. Those born from genuine desire, from a yearning for something more profound, more magical, these paths are the antidote. They won't seek validation from the old guard. They'll cultivate their own mysteries and guardians if they're rooted in authentic power and connection. The cycle will repeat, and that's okay. The craft, like nature itself, thrives on change.
So, let's move beyond the old and new cult mentality. Let's cultivate a space for genuine exploration, fostering unique voices. Let the craft evolve organically; perhaps, we'll rediscover the magic that binds us all.
- The Amazon's Traditional Dream Interpreter.
- BIPOC/Black & Brown Voices in Witchcraft.
- Appropriation & Culture in Witchcraft.
- Gatekeepers in Witchcraft.
- 8 Easy-to-do Spells for Abundance.
- 6 Folk Magic Spells from Venezuela.
- Eleggua's Coconut for Protection & Healing.
- Yara / Queen Maria Lionza.
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