The Importance of Gatekeepers in Witchcraft. And why they are also not Important for You.

Gatekeepers in Witchcraft

(I was writing this one for a book in 2017, but in all honesty, it was too severe for my own work)

Hey, Witch, there is a very livid discussion about gatekeeping in witchcraft. And like everything in life, there are two sides. The side of those who have been formally trained, tested, and initiated into certain specific paths of witchcraft (Wicca, Santeria, Candomble, etc...) who have spent years studying these mysterious secrets and holding onto the secrets to pass them on to the next generation, who primarily support the concept of gatekeepers.

There exists an opposite side made by those who have yet to be formally trained and initiated. Because their only connection to these esoteric paths is through the internet and books, they can easily assume that 'outside of all meritocracy,' they should have equal access to these mysteries and secrets.

Gatekeeping in Witchcraft: A Necessary Evil?

The concept of gatekeeping in the metaphysical and witchcraft community is complex and often contentious. While many criticize it as exclusionary and elitist, gatekeeping plays a crucial role in safeguarding the sacredness and traditions of the craft.

Protecting the Sacred.

At its core, Witchcraft is a practice steeped in history, tradition, and often, secrecy. Many rituals and practices involve powerful energies and require understanding and respect to wield them safely and responsibly. Gatekeepers act as guardians of this knowledge, ensuring it doesn't fall into the wrong hands or is misused for malicious purposes.

Preventing Misappropriation.

The rise of social media has led to a surge of superficial engagement with witchcraft. Some individuals, driven by the desire for attention or profit, exploit the craft's aesthetics and symbolism without understanding its deeper meaning or respecting its traditions. Gatekeeping helps prevent the trivialization and commercialization of these sacred practices.

Maintaining Lineage and Authenticity.

Witchcraft traditions are often passed down through lineages and initiatory practices. Gatekeepers ensure that knowledge is transmitted responsibly and accurately, preserving the integrity and authenticity of the craft. They act as mentors and guides, helping newcomers navigate the complexities of the practice while safeguarding its core principles.

Understanding the Balance.

It's important to acknowledge that gatekeeping can sometimes be misused to create unnecessary barriers or perpetuate a sense of elitism. However, the core function of protecting the sacredness and traditions of the craft remains vital.

Finding the Right Approach.

The key lies in striking a balance between responsible gatekeeping and fostering inclusivity. This can be achieved through:

Mentorship and guidance.

Experienced practitioners can support newcomers by providing resources and guidance while ensuring they understand the responsibility of wielding magical power.

Discernment and assessment.

Gatekeeping shouldn't be about arbitrary exclusion but about assessing an individual's genuine interest, commitment, and respect for the craft.

Openness to diverse perspectives.

The witchcraft community should be open to diverse perspectives and experiences while still upholding core values and traditions.

By acknowledging the importance of gatekeeping while striving for a more inclusive and responsible approach, we can ensure that the sacredness and traditions of witchcraft are preserved for future generations.

The Pivotal Role of the Gatekeeper (What many people choose to conveniently forget)

The debate around gatekeeping in the witchcraft community highlights a crucial tension between inclusivity and the need to safeguard the craft's sacredness and traditions. While some see gatekeepers as elitist and exclusionary, their role is often misunderstood.

The Gatekeeper's Responsibilities;

Protecting the Sacred.
Gatekeepers are guardians of powerful knowledge and practices, ensuring they are not misused or exploited for malicious purposes.
Preserving Traditions.
They safeguard the integrity and authenticity of witchcraft lineages and practices, ensuring knowledge is transmitted accurately and responsibly.
Preventing Misappropriation.
They act as a barrier against the trivialization and commercialization of the craft, preventing superficial engagement and disrespectful appropriation.

Gatekeeping plays a pivotal role in ensuring the continued integrity and respect for witchcraft's sacredness. By balancing responsible gatekeeping and inclusivity, we can create a thriving community that preserves the traditions and empowers future practitioners.
