The Magic of Birthday!!

Birthday Ritual

My Birthday happens just one day before the end of the year, so I have gotten used to celebrating both every year, and unlike what many expect for "practicality", I keep them separate.

Each year we close a sacred cycle of life, a cycle of learning and experiences, as well as each year we open a new cycle and that is a reason for gratitude and celebration. That is why every year we deserve to take a moment to perform our brief Birthday ritual because we deserve it because you are worth it.

This has been a year to focus on meditation and healing as a collective and as a group, it has also been a year of reflection, assertiveness, and personal commitment. Let's not forget that Birthday is a personal reset, a moment of rebooting and re-connection with ourselves. Your Birthday is a sacred and unique moment in which you start another lap around the sun full of astrological events, many of which will only occur once.

The ritual of completion for your birthday can be worked in three different steps: the day before, the day of your birthday, and the day after.

A Birthday cake from last year w/ my favorite colors on it.

The Day Before.

It is usually the busiest day, although you can prepare your home seven days before your new age.

Cleansing with a gem elixir

This day is very beneficial to carry out an energetic cleansing. You can light an incense stick and burn sage or rosemary on a piece of hot charcoal in the corners, you can take a hot bath with essential oils or take a long bath on the beach.

You can also do an energetic cleaning at home, filling a dark glass spray bottle with a piece of amethyst, a piece of rose quartz, clean water, a splash of orange blossom essence, and three drops of lemon essential oil.

Make use of this mystical elixir to spray on the bed, as well as in the surroundings and in the corners of the house, to clean the energy and purify the spaces.

Move things

If you do not want to work in-depth in a specific space, according to your objectives, I advise you to move three things, with just three around in each of the spaces of the house: including, terrace, patio, or garage. You can also go further, and do 'decorative cleaning' in your home of what you do not like. In the latter case, sincerely, I have been a month that I do not stop. I feel the need to empty and order as much as possible. I do nothing but donate and give away and empty a lot.

The day of Birthday.

Start the day with a cup of herbal tea with honey and lemon, to properly nourish your body and mind before consuming anything else, my favorite recommendation is mint tea or eucalyptus tea with honey and a few drops of lemon.

The first bath of this day is the most important, it is the bath of renewal, it is the first bath of this solar cycle, and it is your first purification ritual of this new solar cycle. You can add bath salts with your favorite essential oils, you can prepare a bar of good fortune soap from the day before, and you can also light a myrrh incense wand before entering the shower.

Release something new, it can be shoes, it can be a hat, it can be any item of clothing or a pair of socks, I like to release a necklace or a bracelet every year, this year 2021 for example, I will be releasing a talisman with a Tiger eyepiece in the center that was a gift from my friend Sam Sebastian.

Give yourself a bouquet of flowers, go to the florist and buy your favorite flowers for you, don't wait for someone else to give them to you, there is a huge and powerful energetic symbolism of independence, abundance, self-care, self-love, and self-sufficiency. , in this little ritual.

Birthday wish ritual

Serve a glass of champagne in your name, for the symbolism of the bubbles that do not stop rising as well as the abundance of those who drink it. Choose a white or purple candle and sandalwood, musk, or rose incense stick. On a sheet of paper write your biggest wish for this new cycle (you can make it extra special by writing your wishes in gold ink). and take with the golden thread you tie the paper with the wish like a small parchment around the candle.

As you tie the paper with your wish, pronounce with each turn of the thread around this talisman:

With this first round, I ask for my health and in health I surround myself
With this second round, I ask for my abundance and in abundance and prosperity I surround myself
With this third round, I ask for my personal growth and in growth I surround myself
With this fourth lap, I ask for my guide and my path, and I surround myself with my guides and signals.
With this fifth round, I ask for love, and in infinite love I surround myself.
With this sixth round, I ask for the divine presence of my personal god, and in his/her divine presence, I surround myself.

Then, you proceed to tie a knot in this talisman, light the incense stick and candle. Let it consume itself until the end (take all the necessary measures not to burn anything around it and prevent anything from being consumed). Proceed to toast with the glass, toast yourself, it's your day, focus on yourself during this day, don't ask for others, and drink your glass calmly.

You can accompany your drink with a piece of birthday cake or with a plate of homemade cookies.

The day after your birthday

When you wake up in the morning, apply a few drops of rose essential oil on your wrists, and light a white candle to light your way in this new solar cycle.

And, Happy Birthday!!
with love, Elo.

Save your spot for our last zoom/webinar of 2021.
  • Manifestation Magic: 13 Spells to Create New Cycles of Healing, Joy, and Abundance.
  • December 15 from 7: 00-8: 30PM (east time/NY time)
  • Click Here to Save your Spot
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