The Spirit of Christmas (Yule) and a Simple Ritual to Celebrate in Home.

 A simple ritual to celebrate Christmas

The Winter/Summer season of joy is here, and like every year, I like to share on my blog an easy ritual to do at home for those who read around here.

Christmas / Yule / Saturnalia

The celebration of Christmas is well known throughout the world, it has a pagan origin that takes us to the history of the Norse (the Viking celebration of Yule), the Roman gift exchange holidays (Saturnalia), among many other pagan celebrations. which were later taken up by the Church, as a way to attract the pagan faithful to conversion to Christianity, and has become popular throughout the world, more as a family-social celebration of religious roots, than as a properly religious celebration.

But we are not here to talk about the pagan origins of Christmas, for that you can find any title on the subject in a book store. We are here to do some positive, conscious, easy, and effective magic, to put the available energy to our personal benefit.

Spirit of Christmas

The spirit of Christmas is one of many manifestations of social consciousness, the collective focuses on thinking about the Christmas season that occurs simultaneously throughout the world, and this awakens the "Conscious Spirit" of the season, which manifests itself through joy, financial abundance, wealth, the spirit of unity, and even in the form of a discreet "accident" that leads you to reschedule your entire schedule for the season.

The spirit of Christmas is what is known at the folklore level as an embodiment of the energy and emotions of the season, there is a much more appropriate term in English for this term, the "embodiment", which refers to consciousness (and sometimes personality) that may have a particular strength, energy, situation, or place.

Example 1 :

Artemis is a lunar goddess, along with Hecate, Diana, and other lunar deities, they are religious entities that have control over this aspect of nature (the moon).

"Goddess" Selene is an incarnation of the moon, or rather, an "embodiment". Selene is properly the consciousness of the moon that manifests in the form of a female deity with a crescent moon adorning her forehead.

Example 2:

Jesus of Nazareth (who was born in Bethlehem, not Nazareth !!) could be taken as an incarnation of God (and it is in fact to some religious beliefs), or it could be an “embodiment” or manifestation of the Holy Spirit. This would be the case if it were not for the fact that at the time of the annunciation, the Angel Gabriel (גַּבְרִיאֵל)  himself announced to Mary that she was going to have the son of God.

Inviting the Spirit to Home.

One of the things that I always leave my readers and students in the classes that I have offered on spiritism and mediumship is that you cannot work with spirits who have no desire to work with you, there are some unorthodox methods of forcing them, but I do not I recommend doing it.

If a spirit or ghost is not willing to work with you, it must have reasons for it, and that must be respected, it is especially annoying and outrageous for some spirits to be constantly conjured by someone who only calls them when they need them, but never out of gratitude.

For that reason it is important to create a bond with this spirit first, make it your friend, or at least show it that you are its ally. As I always teach in my classes, no matter how many times you knock on the neighbor's door, if he does not know who you are, he is not obliged to assist me, and much less to help you, YOU ARE THE UNKNOWN !! Therefore it is good to create an alliance with the spirit.

If you want to create an alliance with the spirit of Christmas, it is best to start now, in this way, when you have the good fortune of being visited by the spirit itself, it will not feel forced to enter and leave, but better you are going to feel comfortable staying and coming back every so often, perhaps even out of season.

Tips to create a trustworthy relationship with the spirit of Christmas

  • A small altar near the door is the best way to start, if you do not have a table or a piece of furniture for it, it can even be a small chair, properly decorated with a tablecloth or wrapping paper, some candles in your favorite colors, images of angels, Christmas ornaments.
    • The images function as Totems (homes) from which a spirit can connect with you, the images of angels function as channels of spirits of light, the spirit of Christmas is one of them.
    • Candles symbolize magic, faith, perseverance, light in the dark, spiritual strength, clairvoyance, and respect for spirits. Add red, green, white, gold candles, it can be one or it can be many, just make sure not to place anything flammable nearby.
    • Christmas ornaments, It's Christmas !! It doesn't have to be anything overly or unnecessarily elaborate, from a small cereal bowl or cup, with some Christmas ornaments, or with Christmas potpourri made with fresh orange peel, cinnamon sticks, pine cones, star anise, and some dried flowers.
  • Burn incense of sage, mint, cinnamon, and apple, to clean the energy of the place (home, office, room, etc ...), remember that you cannot add more water to a glass that is already full, so put it outside all the bad vibes in the house before trying to bring new good energy to the place, otherwise, the energy will be left out, or it will end up mixing with the energy that is already present.
  • A glass of water, wine, or fruit juice is an invitation to drink and stay, it is a “welcome, we were just waiting for you”.
  • A bouquet of fresh flowers to decorate, or a bowl with dried flowers to scent, the first time I did this ritual I did not have much money, so I put a glass of water and some yellow flowers that I took from a nearby park. In magic, it is not about how it looks, it is not about who has more ornaments and figures on their altar, it is the intention, intentions, and actions have enormous power, do not forget it.

Here below I leave you the photos of something simple that I did at home, they were for two online classes for different clients to whom I guide them in the process of assembling and consecrating their altar at home, it is quite easy, and you do not need much.

Ritual for the Christmas/Yule Spirit.

Timing: To be held on December 21.

You are going to use: Two sheets of paper, and red, gold, or green ink.

There are many variations of the ritual, this is the version that we are going to follow, which I included in some of my books (I don't remember which one, hahaha).

On the first sheet, you write down all the good memories you have of past Christmases, parties, moments, gifts, people, and once you've finished this list, put it aside. The emotion you feel for these memories is your impetus for the next part, capture this emotion, and keep it with you.

On the second page, you write all your long-term wishes, from December 21 until next, write all your wishes in order, and no! Do not minimize or ask from lack, nothing of "yes at least I can have...", much less "I think I deserve..." or "I do not know if I'm asking a lot, but..." If you wish From lack you are not going to get it, you must wish it from optimism, trust, security, they are your wishes and you must treat them with the respect they deserve, do not make them vibrate low.

Next, choose a candle (it can be red, green, gold, or white), anoint the candle with a few drops of essential oil of cinnamon, sandalwood, myrrh, bergamot, or frankincense (or a mixture of two or more of these). proceeds to light the candle reciting:

“O spirit that embodies Christmas, respectable deity of this season

To you who sleep the rest of the year, here I invoke you and invite you to come

I ask you to listen to me, come here I am waiting for your assistance

O great unique spirit and messenger of good energies

Here this day and at this precise moment I call you and invite you to come here

I invite you to listen to the pleas that he sent you, in return, I share with you these sweet memories,

My wishes are your wishes, and this light I light in your name that only the oldest gods know.

So be it."

Now, you burn both leaves in the candle flame to send your wishes to the spirit world, give thanks, and light a wand or cone of incense. Mix the remains and ashes of the candles with a handful of salt and rosemary before throwing them away to prevent any obstacles in the way of your wishes.

Happy Holidays, with love, ELO.

 © Copyright, 2020, Elhoim Leafar.

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