Happy & Blessed Full Moon in Cancer

Full Moon in Cancer ♋🦀 It is the last full moon of this 2020 cycle and practically the first full moon of 2021.

The Full Moon is a time of celebration, expansion, fullness, and completeness. It is the ideal time for those celebratory rituals to invoke positive things: prosperity, abundance, love, fertility, creativity. It is the moon to celebrate with maximum energy to act outward. Time of fullness, maturity, and culmination. Celebrate as appropriate for the Moon of the month.

All full moons are moments of fullness and culmination because they are moments of great light, they are moments that give us a lot of clarity.

It is time to make room in your mind for clarity, personal growth, and your own incarnation purpose.

Use this clarity to tune into the divine mind, with a pearl of deep and superior wisdom, which will allow you to see the world around you from a new perspective, from a new angle.

With this full moon in Cancer, we are closing that cycle of manifestation that we began in June of this year with the solar eclipse. Back then in the middle of the year we found ourselves thinking, who am I and where am I, what am I doing, and what use is this I am doing in the future.

At that time we had Pluto, Saturn, Jupiter, retrograded at different points, forming this dance between three great ones, which gave us a feeling of instability and anxiety, and that many times could lead us to make bad decisions, which we believed were taken by instinct, when really these decisions were being made from anxiety, and often from fear.

Now with the full moon, we close that cycle and begin to visualize a much more concrete, much more solid image of who we are and who we seek to become, with that, it is time to ask yourself, what are the next steps to follow, to to be able to embrace that image that I have of me, and that obstructs my path.

The Goddess Athena, meditate with her, visualize Athena in your meditation.

For years Zeus led Olympus with character and wisdom, and although he made many mistakes in the process, his priority was always to protect humanity, therefore he kept his children with mortal women on earth, as a reminder to other gods of God. that Zeus was present.

Once Zeus felt in danger of being dethroned by his sons, just as he had done with his father. He consciously manifests, and from his divine mind, Athena, the goddess of war and strategy, who is born armed with her helmet, her spear, and her golden shield, directly from the head of Zeus.

For years Athena assumes her role as goddess of war and protector of humanity but seeking to understand her purpose for existence, Athena one day takes off her helmet, drops her shield and spear, and that is when she is finally able to assume her most important role, as the goddess of wisdom and protector of the arts.

So I invite you to meditate with this thought and remember that to find yourself, as well as Athena, you have to deepen who you are, and in that purpose that you seek to fulfill in life.

It is time to ask yourself "Who am I?", And "What am I doing here?", And "Why?"

With nothing more to say, I wish you a new and prosperous rally year 2021, and happy holidays.

with love, Elo.


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