
Showing posts from 2021

The Magic of Birthday!!

Enchanted Ornaments on our Holiday Tree this 2021.

Taurus Full Moon & Lunar Eclipse for November

"I Am Abundance", limited editions available, Soap, Charm Bags, and Blessed Symbol.

In The pagan/witch community, when the problem is not the whole community, but the division of the factions.

I Am aware of my privilege, are you of yours?

Step by Step (and illustrated) A different and very effective Money Bowl.

(thinking out loud) Wicca & All Hallows Eve, seen and "practiced" from the outside.

The myth of Pacha Kamaq or Pachacámac

Viracocha, the white god of the Inca peoples, before and after the Spanish colonization.

Red flags and Leadership in your Community (video)

About the Gorgon.

Why The Seven Lucky Gods in my book?