They do not care about your rights or your culture, all that objective of "decolonization", "ancestral trauma", "intercultural agenda" and "cultural appropriation", are nothing more than mere boxes made by these modern "anti-racist" to cage, label you, put yourself behind a wall with others like you, and keep you away, they don't fight to preserve your" cultural rights ", they fight for you to lose those rights, lock yourself in a cage and thank them  Therefore, these "white heroes" come in all races, colors and models, be careful with their deception, because the only difference between Trump and them is that 'El' does not bother to hide his racist ideas, they instead  they deny, but they seek the same goal, create walls beyond context and typecast you by number, sex, color, race, religion, political ideology and sexual preference, that's all they want, a true intercultural separation.


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