I believe in so many Gods I Want.

You like it when they knock on your door on a Saturday morning to evangelize you and try to convince you based on threats that your religion is false and your gods are "a mere diabolical invention."?

Probably not... Correct?

If you as a sorcerer, Wiccan, pagan, or spiritist have opted for that (quite modern) option of not believing in Gods, because you affirm that they are nothing more than an "anthropomorphization of the forces of nature", a "manifestation of your abundant psychic power, "or a" creative invention of the old pagan peoples to explain how they expressed their true inner power", well, believe it, but believe it you, and just as you expect some respect from the others, show that same respect for others.

Everyone has the option of believing what they want best, if you seriously believe that attending your conventions indoors every year and giving beautiful speeches followed by a selfie, it makes you better than the others 🤷🏻‍♂️ if you truly believe that this makes you (what am I going to know?) "the great lordy darkest magician 50K level of eleven hundred degree with golden suns on the shoulders etc, etc, etc." 🙅🏼‍♂️ Perfect, believe it, if it makes you happy, I'm glad for you, but don't force others to believe the same that you or publicly mock them for thinking differently.

It is not our fault that you have an obsessive inferiority complex and personal trauma that forces you to believe that there is no force in nature or in the entire universe superior to you. 🤨

But don't come to evangelize others, especially my friends and students with your religious idolatrous trauma. 🤨

Thank you fooly weirdo.


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