Keep Your Business Magickal & Authentic.
Keep Your Business Magickal & Authentic
Implementing magic and spells successfully and discreetly in our daily routine.
Welcome back to the most disorganized virtual space out there, disorganized and punctual, but extremely comfortable and organic, that's why everyone (just like you) always comes back.
One of the questions I receive most often in my daily work, as a publicist, and as a massage therapist, is how do I find the time or balance to maintain my daily practice as a witch, to create rituals and make incense at home, to offer classes and write books, and most of the time this question comes from two common sources; from my marketing and advertising clients, and from those who come to my sacred space at home to receive some tarot reading, which I do two to three days a week and never attend more than 12 readings a week.
Being a Witch 24/7
Although I remember this old phrase when I was a child that said "you cannot be a spiritist during the day, a witch in the afternoon and a santero at night", when you mature you realize that each and every one of us play different roles daily, a The same person can be a father/mother, a partner, a worker, a student, a religious, and a good cook at the same time.
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Just a pic of my workspace at home months ago |
If you put your efforts into being a great parent 24/7 and an amazing college educator 24/7, other aspects of yourself will quickly become unbalanced and this will end up generating enormous stress and anxiety in you. The best thing is to return to your center and schedule your time as best as possible to be able to give each aspect the best of you.
Being a witch is no different, and I don't mean "#InstagramWitches", when I refer to being a witch I'm not talking about buying and reading books or decorating your altar for the photo, I mean the daily and/or weekly time that you personally you are willing to invest in your practice, for which, as in the previous examples, managing your time properly is essential, beyond having an agenda, it is about knowing what your individual priorities really are and how to manage them in an order that it does not affect your personal life, your life as a couple, your love life, your job, and your academic life, because in the end, all these lives and aspects of you come together day by day and week after week.
Being a witch 24/7 can be different for everyone, it can involve casting spells every week or every month, or just meeting with your coven once to three times a month, maybe you are a solo practitioner who doesn't work with a coven and your practice It basically consists of reading books, attending your altar and occasionally performing a spell or attending the Sabbath celebration, but is your religious-spiritual life more important than your work meetings or attending to your academic studies?
Important, you should always remember that we all have the same availability of time and the same agenda, some of your work colleagues may have children and a partner while you do not, or some of the members of your coven have two or three jobs that they do not allow them to attend the Sabbath, or maybe you work nine hours a day while your partner (who also lives with you) only works six hours a day, but this job is literally on the other side of town, each individual in your environment possibly has a different availability of time and a different selection of priorities, for which it is of the utmost importance to put in order what your own priorities are and how to properly manage them.
And being a witch, while perhaps of the utmost importance to you, is probably no more important than your academic studies or your relationship with the job that pays your rent, hence the little time you can devote to the individual practice of your art., although it should not possibly be at the level of your work, the dedication that you put into it is the secret.
If you have only 90 minutes a day in complete freedom to carry out your individual daily practice (meditation, burning incense, lighting candles, cleaning your altar, journaling, prayers, etc...) the trick is to focus 100% on it during that period of time, be entirely dedicated and focused on this, concentrated and aligned physically, emotionally, and spiritually in what I am doing, not doing it running between work shifts so that I cannot offer my 100% but only a mediocre availability for stick to the routine.
Do you remember that class where I taught the participants to prepare oil for money and anoint it on their business cards and advertisements?
You clearly don't remember because I'm sure you didn't attend that class, lol, is Ok, I forgive you, again, we don't all have the same amount of time, right?
My first job after finishing university was in a small company (Caracas Para Llevar) where I was the publicist in charge, the concept of the company - back then still in Venezuela - was what Uber Foods is today, it consisted of a subscription website that It included the menus of more than 100 restaurants in the city, you ordered the food and one of our drivers, duly uniformed with the company's branding, made the delivery to your home, apartment or office, the restaurants charged a small extra commission of 5% for the use of our service, and the company invoiced another 6% extra commission on the net price of the purchase to the client, in the end, each purchase only added 11% on the total price to the client and we all came out winning.
Why am I boring you with numbers and percentages? because this is much more complicated and boring to explain to a potential customer over the phone, especially in a country with such a high crime rate as Venezuela, where no one would trust a stranger to deliver food to their home, and we are talking about that this was the year 2011, long before Uber existed, so getting clients was not that easy, especially when the company was the first of its kind in the country, and besides, I was the only publicist in the agency.
Prepare candles with the color of local currencies to attract good fortune, sprinkle rose water and rue in the corners of the office to attract money, place yellow flowers in the call center to invite abundance, and even draw sigils and magical emblems underneath. on the phone and behind the computer became a daily practice to keep my job, not because I didn't consider myself good enough at my job, but because the whole concept of the agency and the service was very complex and new to anyone, so it was extremely difficult to close deals with restaurants, and even more difficult to close deals with customers who were not entirely convinced to sign up.
Witchcraft was part of my daily practice at work, I was implementing daily various rituals and spells to attract good finances, gain the trust of customers, etc... And after a few months we went from having only five restaurants on the agenda to have more than a hundred, even the restaurants were now the ones who called for us to promote their menu.
I came to perform spells anointing purple candles with the names of the Greek muses to bring creativity and inspiration, and even blessed one by one the basil and mint leaves that I added as "decoration" to the office lemonade, at one point until the boss made jokes like "don't touch the coffee pot if Elo hasn't blessed the coffee beans one by one", although they laughed and I laughed with them, the fact is that at the end of the day I kept my job and my commissions kept increasing.
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A tiny desk at the corner, now literal in the office place. Lip balms by SpiritOfTwilight St. John Wort and Healing Balm by FlowerPowerNY and Weekly Planner by WildWomanWitchcraft |
Although witchcraft goes beyond spells and amulets, implementing these in your daily routine is not a selfish act nor is it an act of vanity, it is a complete act of trust, self-care, and self-love, as long as you do not you are doing with the conscious intention of harming or negatively affecting someone else.
Daily practices that you can implement to enrich your work routine and not lose contact with your magic.
- Read a daily Tarot card or your personal Oracle to gain confidence and be prepared for the events of the day.
- Carry with you as jewelry, either as a necklace, a pin, a bracelet, a ring or bracelet, your zodiacal gem or the energetic gem or mineral of the day, or both, in order to positively channel the energy and vibration of this day and make use of this in your favor.
- Keeping palo santo, some incense, and some scented candles in my workplace, you can light scented candles (responsibly and carefully) under pretty much any excuse, no one has to know these candles have any purpose, and you can implement yellow candles for wealth, red candles to keep the energy active, and green candles to make the commercial exchange flow, white candles scented with palo santo or mint to bring calm and serenity, or purple candles to transmute a negative situation into something positive.
- Burning palo santo in the morning is an essential routine for me in my workplace, always make sure you find an ethically responsible source of palo santo, and burn it in the morning to dispel negative vibes and attract positive ones.
- Keeping a calendar with the phases of the moon and planetary movements shouldn't be so difficult in your workplace, especially nowadays when even government offices have a calendar with pictures of cats hanging on the wall. This will help you de-stress from time to time and is vital to better organize your time.
- If you have private space in your office to create a small altar, do it, nothing exaggerated, a small table with some crystals, candles and a censer will be more than enough, even a small cup with earth or some rocks to bring the element to your place of work (earth is associated with stability, balance, and the origin of all the earth's resources).
- If it is in your possibilities, keep flowers and plants in the office or in your work area, or if you must resort to the most visible and discreet to "keep up appearances" you can always prepare a blend of herbs and money flowers (rue, rosemary, basil, jasmine, etc...) at home and take it to the desk as a potpourri, add some grains to the bottom (rice, lentils, beans, and others) to symbolize abundance.
- Ask for guidance; To your guardian spirits, your ancestors, your personal deity, or whoever you dedicate yourself to, pray for their companionship, good advice, and guidance on a daily basis. Also, pray to them to dispel any envy or gossip in your workplace. The latter is key.'
- Keep your daily practice to yourself, you don't need to turn your studio into a witch's house with crystal balls and mirrors in every corner, as I mentioned before, it's important to keep a balance, not to become "the local fortune teller" and not turn every work conversation into a conversation about astrology, feng shui, and moon phases. Remember that whatever your magical or esoteric tradition is (if you follow a specific one) you are the representative of it wherever you go, even if other people do not know it, represent your tradition with dignity and wisdom, there is no need to convert your office in an esoteric circus.
- Plan your work projects and meetings (if possible) according to the lunar phases and the days of the week. For example, my favorite day for meetings is always Wednesday and Thursday, the days of Mercury and Jupiter associated with communication and entrepreneurship. I try to align new projects with the days of the new moon and waxing moon, while those meetings are held to discuss projects that are about to close or be canceled, I plan them for the days of the waning moon.
The most important of all is:
Organize in order what your personal and professional priorities are, and how much time you can dedicate daily or weekly to each one.
Carry an agenda with you and keep a wall calendar where you can mark each event, and meeting, and plans with time.
Do not mix your private life with your work life, you should already know that.
Keep your individual practice to yourself as much as possible, don't look for reasons to spend hours explaining to a stranger in the office why there are crystals and herbs hanging from the ceiling of your cubicle. Just find a balance that works for you.
~ Elhoim Leafar.
Previously published in Spanish as "Magia del dinero en el Hogar y el Trabajo".
(C) 2021, Elhoim Leafar, All Rights Reserved.
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Marketing Your Book Being A New Author
Home Magic: A series of simple rituals to attract Prosperity and Abundance at home.
Check My Next Workshops Online Here:
A different class every October Weekend, totally online, each class has a total duration of 90 minutes, followed by a 30-minute Q&A. Classes are limited to 25 participants per class and cost $12-$14 per person.
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