Protect your energy.

Your energy is valuable, your energy is unique and it is sacred.

You, as healer, magician or sorcerer, are more in contact with the energy vibration than all other individuals, you are a child of the earth that has awakened, and with that awakening, you have begun to discover other senses, senses that you have always had, but until now this senses remained asleep.

Your energy is valuable, your energy goes where you put your attention, so do yourself a favor.

  • First. Stop to drain for others, stop to put your energy and attention into situations, things, and people that bring you anxiety, insecurity, sadness, discomfort, uneasiness, despair, and restlessness.
  • And second. Start to put your energy and attention on things, situations, and people that bring you peace, smiles, joy, well-being, teachings, motivation, and inner wealth.

Wonderful things happen once you make the decision to distance yourself from negative situations and people. Stay close to people who inspire you, motivate you, and encourage you to level up and be a better version of yourself.

Elhoim Leafar.


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