Folk Magic, Tradition and Reality.

These difficult days, among incredulous magicians and inexperienced experts.

Change forms, Astral Projection, Out-of-body experience, The art of flying, and other forms of Magic that the "new currents" of Bruges fear to practice or share in public.

The world of sorcery is full of fables and myths about the powers of witches, about their special abilities to change shape or be in two places at once, about their power to remain hidden at night under a veil of shadows, or levitate on the roofs at night under the moon.

In the literary world all this happens to become things associated with “context”, tradition and folklore, even in some of my books I have felt obliged to censor (or rather, self-censor) when trying to write an anecdote about it, and then limit myself to writing "according to folklore, if you make use of this gem on the eve of the new moon, you can...", and I'm not the only one doing it, and this topic came up recently in a conversation that I kept private with one of my readers via telephone.

The truth is that even many times, my own partner has read my books, and although he likes my books and considers them to be quite complete, he also usually comments “you should try to write a little more about things that you do and others don't”, to the point that recently talking with Karen, who is my friend from Peru, and a complete expert in transformations, we were remembering that day when inside a Coven in Venezuela (she visited me and stayed to sleep at my house), and in Coven, after having participated in a ritual of (I really don't remember that ...!) We invited the boys to participate in our practice session of astral unfolding and projection, and most of them simply saw us with a very expensive face rare and refused to go for different reasons, although most of these reasons agree that "astral projection and those things are only an interpretation of the magic of witches", to which Karen and I simply stare at each other, thinking "what kind of magic do these people who don't even try something so basic practice?"

And unfortunately, the modern world is full of abstract answers like these, today, where for many "the gods are nothing more than simple archetypes," magic is only "a form of energy that you seemingly develop with meditation and yoga," shamanism. and everything associated with it is "cultural appropriation without spiritual bases," and conventional spiritism is cataloged by "experts" as "a colonial way of misrepresenting and teasing old indigenous cultures," and another lot of nonsense like that, it's easy. get lost between theory and practice just for fear of being stupid.

Me,  Myself & I.

I have been a victim (so to speak) of cyberbullying many times, every time I publish something about transformations, astral projection, and other forms of practical magic in my blog or in my networks, there is always an Inbelief Witch (Incredible but true that yes they exist!), who only comments with ridicule and scorn by calling me “dreamer” or science fiction fan, which is quite ironic, considering that I am apparently the only sorcerer who is not a fan of wasting valuable hours of the day eating Cheetos and watching Sabrina on Netflix or The Magicians, or one of these science fiction series quite irrelevant to me.

The fact is that there are two very strong generations out there that are growing in the shadow of a true generation of real sorcerers and magicians, on the one hand out there there is a whole generation of young people with a lot of talent and magic skills, looking for ways to expressing their enormous power and trying to find others with their same talents, and on the other hand, there is a whole generation of Unbeliever Warlocks, who lack real practical talent or willingness to do things, who make fun of these others for trying to get out from the box and think differently, and with “think differently” I mean think like the witches and wizards of before, think that magic is something so real that it makes those science fiction movies look like something absurd.

It is quite difficult to master various forms of magic, it is not easy to levitate pens in the air, it is not easy to create fire from nothing on a saucer with water in the middle of the night, and no, it is not easy to master astral projection and unfolding, as I have commented in several previous posts and in one (maybe two) youtube videos, this requires years of study and practice, not to mention a lot of money, money that you will spend between books and books, looking for which are written by true experts and are full of real recipes, and which are written by inexperienced who simply expanded a Wikipedia article and put a title and cover, but once you get it, this is worth it.

Quoting my grandfather, "not all witches know how to fly, but at least some try, hold on to them," he always took esoteric practices seriously and his library was packed with these books, although as he said, the Most of these books were written by inexperienced people who really do not know what they are talking about.

And I am not going to apologize if this sounds arrogant, because it is disappointing to read entire blogs full of complete misinformation about it, where these “Wizards Unbelievers” (as I like to call them), have never tried in their life to make a split or a session of astral projection, but they force you to sympathize with their incredible ideas and sell you something like “magic is very powerful, you are unlimitedly powerful, here you have the love spell this week,” then they end up placing imaginary walls in the mind of others, making the less knowledgeable think that magic is limited to ethereal things, tarot readings, blurred dreams with doubtful meanings and Saturday meetings to talk about books.

Mixing the Magic

At 14 (I think I was 14, but I'm not entirely sure, maybe it was at 13 or 15 because I was new to military school), I borrowed from the collection of my mom's books the "Ars Goetia" and “the Manual of the Sorcerer of San Cipriano”, books that today most of these fashionable sorcerers have not dared to read.

And I remember something, I literally put into practice each and every one of the spells in those books, every invocation, every ritual, there I was, at 14, with a pretty ridiculous outfit, with an old and dull blade in one hand and a glass with wine in the other, burning sulfur, incense and feathers of a black chicken to invoke a spirit from beyond, and I remember that the first few times nothing worked, at some point I almost gave up thinking that none of this would work, my grandfather has always stressed: "the shamans are shamans and the witches do the rest".

Baba (grandpa) has always been really very prejudiced about it, but my mother, which is the perfect proof that if you can be and learn many things to the Once, it has always been a source of motivation in this regard for me, and with your help and many (literally too many) advice about it, I managed to continue implementing these various rituals, I added them to my personal practice as sorcerer and shaman, and I continued studying these books, even on vacation in the Amazon (where this type of western magic is prohibited by all tribes), I continued studying these books and deciphering those hidden codes that have written between the lines.

It was not until the age of 16, once out of military school, that my invocations began to give real results, the truth is that it is much easier to deal with conventional souls and ghosts and learn to master a spiritual possession than to conjure these "Gentlemen," I suppose it was not until they got tired of hearing my calls and realized that they could take seriously that they began to appear, and even today, 13 years later, some of them (three to be very specific) are still not taken seriously enough to manifest, but not for that reason I will stop trying.

The fabulous flying witches

My grandmother, who is an experienced healer, has always told us about how wonderful it is to fly at night, and although even at some point I came to doubt about it (I admit it), someday close to the traditional festival of devils of Yare (a festival of religious character in Venezuela), she spent the whole day preparing, my mother seemed to joke about it, but at night they both went “to talk” with my aunts in the courtyard, me from my window I saw them and heard them talk for several hours before midnight.

I remember that group of women sitting outside talking about politics, travel, fabrics, and other things, I remember my aunt Rosalba preparing a rare infusion with the smell of roses and cloves on the stove, I remember my aunt Samantha opening the two parts Chest of a white dove that pulled out of the cage and deposit the heart of it in a small cauldron with herbs and some flowers.

I remember everyone smearing this mixture with oils and reciting a spell (which at that time, before mastering the language properly seemed strange to me), and I remember seeing them lie on the floor in an extensive circle around the patio stove with dozens of roses decorating the ground, they seemed to fall asleep and minutes later, a group of blackbirds, similar to large crows, perched on the trees in the courtyard, six to be exact, six crows, or so they seemed to be, and what a strange coincidence that In the courtyard were my grandmother and her five daughters.

I could have shouted from my window asking for help to think that these rare blackbirds would do them some harm, but contrary to that, I felt a kind of fullness and calm to see them, shortly after they flew several times over the motionless bodies in a circle and departed together. I was stunned by this understanding of what they mean by "going out to fly," and it was not long before I woke up one of my many sisters to tell him what happened, she took it with total serenity and just made me promise that I didn't I would say nothing to anyone, at least until my Mom taught me in the future how to do it, which only generated a doubt in me that until today I have not resolved, because my sisters do not do it too ?.

I did not fall asleep that night, I stayed awake with a lot of encouragement, and shortly before dawn, around 4 am, a group of birds came back making a lot of noise, they settled on the bodies (not on the trees this time), they walked between them for a while and they left, I could swear (although I am not entirely sure of it) that these birds soon disappeared into the air, seemed to have vanished in the wind, and shortly after my uncles began to wake up, my mother among them, and my grandmother was the last to do so, after that they went to the kitchen to prepare coffee as if nothing had happened, as if they were not tired, and then, they would have no reason to be, if their bodies certainly rested all night.

It was only four years before I was the one who woke up in the middle of the night, because my cousins Alexander, Alejandra, and Daniela, though they saw their aunts sleeping in the patio while they drank something weird, so I just took them to the window and made them also promising not to talk about it, I showed them everything that happened, the birds soon arrived, and since then they also know what they are about.

Day by day

This kind of thing happens every day in our world, the world is full of secrets that only magic knows and that only through the study of sorcery could you explain, certain things are beyond our control (visa control and credit cards, for example), but magic is certainly capable of many more things than simply creating "love spells" and "divination sessions."

If for some reason, you as a practitioner are not willing to try something different for fear of what might happen, that's fine, it is no secret that many people have suffered a cardiac arrest while flying at night or while leaving their bodies to half day. But not for that reason you should limit yourself to thinking that magic is only decks of Tarot and celebrations of the equinox.

Taking up that conversation

That conversation from which this post came about via telephone, a follower of my Blog and Social media, he claims to have seen my video talking about astral projection several times, I imagined it was due to my accent and maybe he did not understand me, then He explains to me that for years he is living the same experiences unconsciously and involuntarily over and over again, I am quite accustomed to the fact that many times they are making fun of others, so at first I respond very kindly but without many details, each of his messages and the very insistent send me more and more messages explaining things that I usually know but that I have never read in a book about it, and that is where I take it seriously.

From that moment on we started contact via @mail, constantly sharing information about it, sharing experiences and anecdotes, and just as it happened with him, I have also been talking with a couple of people.

I do not read minds or move things in the distance, I have not even tried the truth, but I will not deny that others can do it, here (in this blog) I have constantly written about my experiences walking through dreams and knowing places that I do not find in the physical plane, and I am not the only one, we are rather many, and out there there is a huge tendency to believe misinformation regarding these issues.

Unfortunately, there are so many sorcerers and magicians, incredulous of their own power, out there, forcing others not to try different things for the simple fact that they cannot explain it.

In shamanic practices, we have a very simple and easy to understand scale, to be a shaman you must first be a sorcerer capable of creating real changes in the world, a student of the hidden arts and a connoisseur of language, ritual symbolism, and magic, but besides being a sorcerer, to be a shaman you must be a medium, you must be able to pass spirits between planes, between your body and other bodies, and that entails years of practice and constant work, to be a medium (and here Shamans differ with many "practitioners" of witchcraft and Western magic), you must be a spiritualist because through spiritualism you will know the world of spirits and you will enter into their practice, and to be a spiritualist and become a medium, you must first be a seer, because, to enter the spiritual world, and be able to conjure or possess spirits, it is necessary to be able to see and hear them properly, not just knowing that they are there.

In the same way, sorcery works in all its branches, constant study and practice until exhaustion only give good results after some time, although I have met a couple of quite talented individuals capable of achieving it quite quickly (unfortunately I am not one of them), in magic and sorcery, constant practice is the secret.

On astral projection and lucid dreams

This is my favorite subject, and it is the most difficult to talk about, because all the experiences are different, and it is not accessible to everyone, Hey! I have said accessible, I never said exclusive, so do not misunderstand me, what I try to explain here (and clearly I collapse in the process) is that it is quite difficult to explain to people, about something they cannot see or hear, and It takes them so many years of practice that it is simply easier to surrender in the process, especially when it comes to something that I did not learn from someone else, but happens constantly and involuntarily, and it has taken me years of treatments to prevent a possible cerebral palsy or cardiac arrest, it is much more difficult even perhaps to explain it to a doctor.

But contrary to popular thinking, these are not exclusive “gifts” that certain people have, it is like singing, only 2% of the world population lacks the ability to sing due to something called “deaf ear”, but while some individuals are born Practically singing, others learn in the process, some have great voices, others have a much more discreet vocal talent.

Well, it works with different types of magic and sorcery, everything is learned and magic is at your fingertips.

Moving in the world of dreams is not an easy task, but because it occurs during the unconscious, it is one of the most difficult ways to handle, while astral projection (voluntary and conscious practice) is easier to carry carried out over time and constant practice, although obviously, some take longer than others.

But as I have commented in some videos and posts before, there are many books out there that try to sell you an erroneous idea, like wanting to make you believe that this is something extremely accessible and easy to understand, almost without any effort, when the truth is It can take years of practice.

Trying the astral projection is for many as frustrating, as starting a diet and maintaining it for eight or nine years, even seeing that it has not given you results.

But far from seeking to discourage anyone, I simply try to make one point clear, and that is that constant practice is the result, and not giving up in the process, but 15 minutes of deep and slow breathing every morning, is a good way to advance the process.

Elhoim Leafar


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