Full moon in Scorpio, May 2019.

The full moon in Scorpio, May 2019.

Greetings and Hugs full of light to all the readers of this space where we share week to week.

That moment of fullness of the month has arrived, and it happens in one of the most holistic signs of the horoscope, we are before the arrival of the full moon in the sign of Scorpio, and this happens with the Sun in the astrological sign of Taurus, making our more subjective, intimate and personal, much more vulnerable and more receptive to our environment.

Sun in Taurus

Taurus is the sign of material pleasures and sensuality, everything that gives you a sense of security, well-being, fullness and calm, is certainly governed by the influence of this sign. With the Sun in Tauro we felt that need to buy and acquire new things, paint the walls of the house, remodel the bedroom, buy new clothes and even hire a more expensive insurer for our vehicle, all this makes us lose our focus on our inner growth, because it gives us a certain calmness to feel that material things are at our disposal and thus we completely ignore the anxiety that the slow development of emotional and spiritual processes can cause us.

The star king of the divine (the Sun), together with Mercury, Venus and Uranus, all strategically positioned in the sign of Taurus, call us to study exactly what our priorities are in the material world, which is what we must acquire, what we really need, but it is so much anxiety that produces us, which can easily lead us to waste money on the unnecessary.

This solar and planetary position in Taurus opens the doors to us about what it is to have true awareness and presence of your material state and your personal abundance invites you to start a search to earn money in a different way. Taurus has to do with your self-esteem, with everything you earn monetarily and everything you have (your belongings).

Other planets in Taurus

Mercury in Taurus (communications) leads us to evaluate the way in which we are relating to the external world and those who inhabit it, many times we believe that we are doing the right thing or using the appropriate language, and that is where the influence of the Sun in Taurus to make us reevaluate this thought and the way we address ourselves to others.

Venus (relationships), the planet of love has entered its ruling sign a few days ago, Taurus, so both are in their most comfortable positions, it is time to be more receptive in terms of relationships is concerned, and get new ways to love and ways to enter the various aspects of love. Do not waste so much time analyzing what is wrong with your partner, invest time to study what exactly you are contributing to the relationship and what the other person is receiving in the process.

Uranus (the divine influence) remains in Taurus for some time, and that is where there is divine intervention in certain natural aspects, the healing processes are at the order of the day. It is the time to pray and ask for all kinds of interventions of a divine nature, especially those that help us break old vices, harmful habits, and toxic relationships.

read too:

Other planets that you should analyze

Mars (the warrior) in Cancer is one of the most uncomfortable astrological positions, the planet of war, fire and action, is positioned in the calming waters of Cancer, so do not lose your calm, that irritability that you perceive the not seeing your processes come true immediately is more an astrological perspective than a personal vision, the processes advance at the same pace, but it is the activation of them that seems to inevitably fall behind, do not give up, just plan your strategy from another point of sight.

Jupiter (the teacher) in Sagittarius, gives us the inner strength we need to face any process, different, innovative projects, the promotion of new strategies and products, are at their best to go out into the light of day.

Saturn and Pluto, the planets of the harvest and time are retrograde in Capricorn, your fears and your personal power are confronted, make you doubt your own abilities and also force you to accept everything that inhabits your subconscious and your You have decided to keep there.

The full moon in Scorpio

This coming Saturday, May 18, 2019, the full moon occurs in the astrological sign of Scorpio, the full moon covers all the processes of completion and completion, take advantage of all this lunar energy to complete your projects and make decisions about your different processes and aspects. personal is the end of a cycle and the moment to glimpse any situation about the environment or the context that you are living.

Do not be afraid to make decisions and make changes, the whole universe is holding you.

Scorpio is the sign of interior cleansing, detoxification, and analysis of the subconscious world, the sign that protects everything that is hidden and taboo in society, it is the sign that governs the parameters of all the unconscious, and is also, along with Pisces one of the most esoteric signs of the Zodiac. this is the most intense full moon of 2019, remember that the full moon occurs when the moon stops just in front of the sun to confront its energy face to face, the sun, our conscious, and the moon, being our subconscious, are arranged for a cycle of several hours to renegotiate the different aspects that influence us, and the more knowledge we have of the aspects that are played in this negotiation, the more control we will have of this situation.

The full moon in Scorpio is always the moment when the secrets come to light, especially the family and couple secrets, it is a moment of vulnerability, where the rock masks that are used by many around us fall down and there comes a time that allows us to stop pretending to be strong, to seek help in your environment during this lunation is the secret to achieve this without fear of being judged for it. It's a time to open up to others and express your emotions, Scorpio represents beauty in vulnerability and being yourself.

Everything that happens under the moon in Scorpio, rarely happens with discretion and dissimulation, on the contrary, Scorpio likes honesty and transparency, so do not doubt that even the slightest discovery you make, will be almost immediately in everyone's mouth. With Scorpio all secrets come to light and gives light to everything that is hidden, government issues are illuminated in broad daylight, this influence affects us all and is the time where family conflicts that are linked to secrets and things that were kept in the occult, they can even reveal secrets that you keep in the oblivion and the subconscious.

It's normal to keep secrets, usually you hide something like a secret because of fear, because of shame or not hurting someone else, and Scorpio, the sign of secrets, vulnerability and everything that is hidden, manifests the exit to the light of all these things to force us to face our fears once and for all.

The confrontation in front of the Sun and the moon.

The sun in Taurus focuses on material and superficial acquisition, while the moon in Scorpio has a greater relationship with inner gain, the acquisition of knowledge, memories, and experiences that transcend this and other lives.

While Taurus focuses on the excesses and the acquisition of more and more material things, Scorpio focuses on personal growth, while the sun in Taurus tells you in your ear that you need that new pair of shoes, more items in the backpack and more furniture at home, the moon in Scorpio comes to purify and clean from the inside out, and instead of murmuring, it tells you straight ahead that it is time to travel light, barefoot if possible, and the more minimalist the process, the greater the astral support will give you with your energy.

It's time to confront everything you want to ignore or leave aside. Here begin to materialize those desires and projects that we pray consciously and unconsciously, to make them come true during the new moon in Scorpio six months ago.

Making use of energy

The Scorpio lunar energy comes to confront your deepest fears related to abandonment and lack, it is time to remove everything that is stored under the table and clean to restart from scratch, remember that Scorpio is the sign of detoxification, do not fear to let go of the old and start from scratch.

It is time to perform a complete interior cleaning, emptying the head and soul, ready to start from scratch, it is time to travel lightly of mind and conscience, and open ourselves entirely to live new experiences that help us to renew and get a new point of view.

Be aware of everything that is unconscious, this is the best full moon to focus on meditating and analyzing the "inner self", delve into yourself and analyze at the root all those fears, prejudices and beliefs that you have in the subconscious, make a effort to improve yourself and analyze in detail what experiences have made you the person you are today.

Prioritize your processes, your relationships, your emotions and establish guidelines for all this.

Elhoim Leafar


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