Eclipse of Sun and New Moon in Cancer, Opportunity for Change and Renewal.

Partial Eclipse of Sun in Cancer

Opportunity for Change and Renewal

Greetings and Hugs full of light and blessings to all my readers, this Thursday, July 12 comes the long-awaited partial eclipse of the sun in cancer, and it is a lot of material with which we must catch up, so we begin to digest all this information. I have prepared so calmly for you.

The Partial Eclipse of Sun in Cancer has come to us at the right time to transform or alter different aspects and facets of our lives, it is in our hands to take this energy and use it to achieve the much-desired happiness and success that are in the goal. Love, as well as all interpersonal relationships, our businesses (especially the way we handle savings), and creativity, will be at their peak during the following weeks, thanks to the energy of the eclipse, it is time to take a different approach and reevaluate what we can change for the better in ourselves, as well as positively advise those around us.

It is time to seriously organize your priorities if you have not written or registered even your priorities on paper or digitally, it is because you yourself are not taking them seriously, and if you do not do it, do not expect the Universe to do it for you. Eclipses always come for intensive cleaning that will help you keep your focus on what is truly important.

The partial solar eclipse is given at the same time as a new moon in Cancer, while the solar eclipse comes to clean, collect and detoxify, the new moon comes hours later to make a Reset, and evaluate our intentions, so it's time to leave your intentions clear enough, because the Universe is listening and its meaning will be more acute during the next few hours, if you do not have real intentions to continue with a project, some process that you just started or some personal relationship, it is better to cut it from this moment , before the Universe misunderstands your Signals and converts these "routine situations" into something meaningful and permanent.

Astrologically the sun represents for many cultures the identity and essence of the Universe, remember that an eclipse is an energy that covers or opaque another energy, symbolically the central energy and its essence will be concealed or rather "eclipsed" by a completely different energy, so take precautions, because sudden mood swings around you will soon become visible.

The eclipses come to eclipse a situation or person in your life, the changes only hurt depending on the resistance that we put these, take the change in your hands and squeeze it to the maximum to work in your favor, changes to come after the eclipse they will be permanent, including legal status of couples, removals, investments and project closures.

It is a good time to take care of your health and drink lots of water, remember that eclipses affect the purity of the blood, the hours of sleep and rest, as well as the effectiveness of the immune system. It is a good time to stay as hydrated as possible as the energetic change linked to eclipses always brings with it several continuous days of physical exhaustion and followed by a sudden energetic reinforcement in the middle of the eclipse, which then ends in a low of energy worse.

It is important to remember that solar eclipses occur with a new moon, it is a moment to eclipse patterns of your life that you want to change, so focus your energy and willingness to block and eclipse those aspects with which you do not feel identified at this time.

The eclipses of the sun occur with the moon aligned to the same degree as the sun king, and this powerful energetic event ends up eclipsing always the energy that needs to be renewed and relocated.

New Moon in Cancer

For many the true protagonist of this day, it will not be the eclipse but the significant new moon in the astrological sign of Cancer, the New Moon in Cancer this July 13, 2018, is perfect for those who seek to focus on fertility, conception and motherhood, as well as the care and attention of young children. If you want to start a new home, carry out a move, hold family meetings, start loving relationships (or take them to the next level), and start any type of nutritional diet, this is the time, because the energy available thanks to the phase Lunar Cancer reveals all these aspects.

The Moon in Cancer is favorable for those witches and sorcerers or medium who practice different forms of divination, premonitions, astral projection and the study of past lives. If you want to get in touch with your inner self, balance your spiritual energies or contact "the Hereafter" this is the right time.

As I mentioned earlier, the new moon gives us the opportunity to "mock" (for lack of a more adequate term), the laws of the veil that separates the world from the living and the non-living, this being the moment in which spiritualists and mediums from all over the world seem to receive, not only a greater energy charge, but also the possibility of contacting many souls or spirits in a single session, while students of necromancy make use of the energy available this day, to embark in astral trips that take them at midnight to walk among the worlds.

An Eclipse in full retrogradation

Take into account that we are still under the influence of several retrograde planets, a retrograde Mars positioned in Aquarius that has kept us on edge, holding and delaying various projects, trips and adventures, taking our patience to the limit and making us look for enemies where there are none. .

Saturn and retrograde Pluto, both in the sign of Capricorn that play simultaneously with our temperament and make us discover our worst side at the least indicated times, and constantly reevaluating our most esteemed projects, which forces you to think in a certain way that you are taking the wrong direction.

A retrograde Neptune in Pisces that has maintained the task of postponing appointments and canceling from phone calls to important meetings, only with the sole purpose of making us return to the direction of success and evaluate if we want to arrive in a hurry, to burn ourselves in the process , or at a slow and constant pace, to forge a respectable path to success.

And finally, a retrograde Chiron that many have forgotten, the harmonious Quiron retrograde in Pisces keeps letting old wounds of the past emerge, not to interrupt our calm, but rather to help us to release and heal in a process that has become slow but necessary .

All this without mentioning or forgetting, that from July 26, 2018, (until August 19) Mercury joins this process of retrograde planets, so from this moment it is important to organize on paper (literally, not you trust electronic equipment, because a retrograde Mercury after the eclipse is willing to spoil the most modern forms of communication.) and make lists of everything we must do without passing any detail, because the retrogradation of the planet that dominates communications and language, is more loaded than usual and misunderstandings in the workplace, as well as the continuing delays of different personal projects, will be there to the order of the day.

Plus Info.

This Partial Eclipse of Sun on July 13, 3:00 UT, at 20 ° 41 'is influenced by a powerful opposition to Pluto. This indicates some kind of crisis with our self-esteem, a relationship or an event. An equally intense fixed star brings the potential for neurotic anguish triggered by an unconscious fear deeply buried in disaster.

This Partial Eclipse of Sun in Cancer marks the right moment to transform something in our life that hinders our happiness and success. Possible areas to focus on including our love life, finances or creative work. Hard work and determination will unleash the potential and opportunity that remain within the grand triangle to help avoid a personal crisis.

On a macro scale, complaints can reach a critical point and the solar eclipse could be a trigger. Insecurity and economic and social instability could awaken in us the desire to define the link between the citizen and the forms of leadership, economy, money, etc.

Eclipses Season

An eclipse never comes alone. A solar eclipse always occurs about two weeks before or after a lunar eclipse. Generally, there are two eclipses in a row, but this time there are three during the same season. This series is also characterized by having two partial solar eclipses, caused by two Supermoons, united by a Total Moon Eclipse in between, which indicates in astrology a change in polarity.

In 2011 we had a change of polarity, now it is repeated with the second series of eclipses 2018:

July 13, 2018, 3:00 UT: Partial Eclipse of Sun at 20Âş Cancer
July 27, 2018, 20:28 UT: Total Moon Eclipse at the 4th Aquarius-Leo
August 11, 2018, 9:45 UT: Partial Eclipse of Sun at 18Âş Leo

If you want more astrological and magical information, remember that you can always find and recommend my books on Amazon, they are full of tips, recipes, and special amulets for you and your loved ones.

Now we just have to stay calm and make good use of our time and energy, we read soon, kisses and lots of light. 

Elhoim Leafar.

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