Eclipse of the Sun + Second New Moon (Both in Leo)

This August 21, 2017
We celebrate the life and course of the days with a Total Solar Eclipse followed by the New Moon in Leo.

Solar Eclipse of August

For ancient magicians, Eclipses have always represented a period of energetic advancement, an omen of favorable changes, and a rapid but striking passage between cosmic phases of great power. Eclipses function as a form of concealment of one energy because of another in perfect balance, whereas in the political aspect this represents great changes that move discreetly underneath the table, in the esoteric aspect, the eclipses mark a period of transition Where solar and lunar magic find equilibrium and make peace momentarily, on the other hand, in the most common aspect, that of astrology, eclipses seal a complex change or the beginning of an inner transformation that in the short term will eventually be exteriorized .

This total Sun Eclipse positioned in Leo's Astrological Sign always manifests itself in expected political changes in the first three to six months after the eclipse. This event occurs with a Mercury that has just begun its Retrograde phase, ensuring that communication in the field of leadership is greatly affected over the coming weeks. But this equation is not complete until adding the position of the Great King 'Saturn' who a few days later leaves his retrogradation to positively redirect his energies from the constellation of Sagittarius.

Eclipses usually come in pairs, one lunar and one solar, with two weeks apart and indicate that we are entering a period of surprises and expositions.

The effect of eclipses can last up to three months. This can be a bleak time, but clean and healing, or a joyous time of childbirth. If we have stubbornly resisted growth, then we might experience them as a really volcanic, violent energy that desperately needs to be purged, but that really should not be feared.

The changing energy of eclipses usually affects us for a period of three to six weeks after the eclipse, in this case we will be able to perceive a notorious change in our surroundings that involves the influence of the total Solar Eclipse in Leo, a Mercury that begins to retrograde slowly, Affecting communications, agendas, meetings and exchanges of information, and a Saturn (the harvester) who would give us the strength to persist even in the most turbulent periods.

New Moon August

The new moon has always been one of my favorite topics, on the Blog and in real life, is a period of renewal, renewal, reincarnation and individual awakening. During the new moon, we have the opportunity to renew ourselves and start from scratch, to reflect in detail on our projects and to immerse ourselves completely in a new process that is about to begin.

The new moon is a symbol of cold darkness and fear, but it is also a symbol of inner strength and hope, for no matter how dark these moonless nights are, the silver mother is only struggling to renew herself and return to Shine in a few days. The darker the period of the new moon, the more vibrant and bright the next full moon.

This particular moon will have the particularity of being a second new moon in oil, second, because the moon begins its dark process centered on the sign of oil, and while it remains dark, it will move to the sign of Virgo, something unusual but not rare. We are definitely faced with a strong period of omens of change and transformation, the same day we will have the solar eclipse in the sign of the king of the Zodiac and hours later we will have a new moon in the same sign that will move from the lion to the Virgin In the middle of darkness (while no one can see it). You do not have to be very knowledgeable about astrology to realize that heaven is shouting 'Period of change' for both the good and the bad.

The new moon is usually a period of thinking and reflecting on new processes, fine-tuning strategies, and plans linked to new projects, and initiating all kinds of internal and external transformations and changes. In this case, the moon will incite us to be more creative, more enterprising and more direct in communications, it will also move us away from the superficial and indirect people around us, not to mention a change in the energy vibration that surrounds us, but It is about positive changes that we must embrace, not refuse.

New Trails

Next day, August 22, will be one of those moments to embark again on a new project, a new academic course, a new hobby, a new romance, a new life project, a new job or develop a new friendship , And even to initiate changes in our interior that we see necessary and require time.

On August 22, the Virgo Sign begins so the Sun will carry all that energy vibration of the Eclipse to the lands of prudence, order, and discretion, together with a particular new moon that begins to grow in the sign of (Guess...!) Virgo.

Therefore, we will begin a new process of transformation with the Sun and the Moon in the Sign of the Virgin, if you wish to remove from you some vice, some mania, some negative memory or some regret, this is the moment to say "goodbye... And renewal."

Do not be afraid to renew yourself from your darkest phase to shine and vibrate higher, after all, the moon does it in front of your eyes every 21 days.

Invitation: If you wish to receive the rituals corresponding to each of these phases, do not forget that you can subscribe to the mailing list of the Blog by entering, as well as you can join our Private Group on Facebook HERE where topics are discussed Of Astrology, Magic, and Spirituality.


Elhoim Leafar 


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