Magick Facts ♒️ August Magic & Full Moon In Aquarius 2016

Magick Facts

August Magic & Full Moon In Aquarius 2016 ♒️

The August full moon is the eighth lunar month of the year, August, is named after Augustus, roman politician that was jealous of the fact that 21 years before Julio Cesar gave his name to a month. Augustus decided to do the same, naming his month the very next. It initially had 29 days and it was adjusted to have 31 days (as July) by removing days from other months.

In Ireland August is called Lúnasa. The pagan festival of Lughnasadh is celebrated this month in tribute to the Celtic god Lugh, a god who exercised multiple functions simultaneously and belonged to a number of cemeteries in various villages. Even today the feast of or Lughnasadh or Lammas or Lunasa is celebrated on August 1st, in which bonfires are lit and music is played for the dogs. 

The August full moon has special magic power to grant wishes, spells and rituals to consolidate a project and magic associated with fire and water. During this month we shape charms that fit our deepest longings and dreams, and the making of amulets and talismans to take care of loved ones. The August full moon it is also known as the barley moon, the corn moon, the sturgeon moon, the red full moon, the green corn moon or the dog moon.
  • The traditional lunar gems are usually peridot or olivine.
  • The flower lunar is the marigold flower.
  • The animal totem of this month is the dog or sturgeon.
  • The colors for this month are white, dark red and indigo.
  • The most appropriate stones or gems to bless are the onyx, peridot, and amethyst.
  • The plants more powerful this month are rue, carnations and gardenias.

Full Moon In Aquarius ♒️

When the moon is in the air signs like Gemini, Libra & Aquarius, is the ideal moment to create magic that involves the element of Air, Climate and Thoughts, the air signs give us power to cast change, mental and spiritual transformation spells.

The Moon in Aquarius, there's no better time for climate-related spells that this Moon. The Celts believed that the moon in Aquarium has the power to bring rain in times of drought, the rain that falls this Moon's evening is usually quite special. She is the right moon to get us out of a jam or a complicated situation. We craft amulets to strengthen the courage and return hope to a beloved one.

Elhoim Leafar

  • Here Sturgeon Moon Spell
  • Here Moon in Aquarius
  • Here Spell & Rituals for you


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