Opportunities Go & Opportunities Remain

Opportunities Go & Opportunities Remain

“Life gives you surprises, surprises gives you life, oh God” so says a popular song. Particularly I have always believed otherwise. Life never gives us surprises, life does not give us anything we can not face. The truth is that life gives us opportunities, opportunities for growth, opportunities for change, opportunities for advancement and opportunities for rebirth. It is up to us to use them or not.

Opportunities come to us every day disguised as a thousand different forms, from the most subtle to the less discreet ways. The universe will always deliver signs but you must pay sufficient attention to interpret them and decide whether to follow or not.

These signs will always announce changes, and no matter if you think they are good omens or very bad omens, changes are always good, but Sometimes we get so afraid to leave the idealized comfort zone that we prefer to avoid change for believing that it may not be so good.

The universal truth is that nothing is fixed, nor the universe itself stands still. Actually the universe is in constant change so we must try to adapt best to the situation.

To see the signs we must just pay attention to our surroundings, these are always covered by omens that favor us so we always be prepared at what lies ahead.

Seers have a special quality to anticipate certain events, give visual jumps forward and back to announce the future, but if you're not a seer or a qualified astrologer, it does not mean you can not be aware of the signs.

The constant change of the clouds, the movements in the water or the shine in the flame of a candle, the universe will always announce the future and the future will always be full of opportunities, some more attractive than others. It is wise to know when to wait but when the Opportunity presents, that opportunity of change or progress yo expect so much, do not hesitate and embrace it like never before you had clung to anything because many opportunities only come once.

Life is full of People who remember us every day “I could do this or that but I did not.” Do a favor to me, do a favor to those around you, do a favor of thanking to the universe and more importantly, do this favor for yourself, do not become one of those people, live and take every opportunity you have to learn something new that you could possibly want., study a new profession or a new idea and carry it out.

Do not doubt yourself, motivate yourself to be someone better every day. Motivate yourself to succeed on your own without being dependent on anyone else. Do not hesitate to take advantage of the help they give you and never say no to an opportunity if you do not know it will return.

Opportunities come every day, but every opportunity gives you something new, if you do not take advantage of that, someone else will, and after that there is only regret, that feeling of emptiness and self-deception, that bad taste every time you say “If I had done that”...

From my Book Wicca! Love&Soul


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