Yemaya, Goddess of family and seas.

Yemaya is the goddess of the seas and salty waters, love, family, the riches and treasures of the sea, as well as of marine currents, commerce, and fishing.

"She is known as an Orisha, one of the divine forces that rule the universe.
Many hear her sacred song of maternal love, kindness, and blessing".

Lilith Dorsey.

Yemayá, or Jemanjá, is the ruling orisha of the Egba people, the divinity of motherhood and fertility, protector of families and fishermen, is the African goddess who rules the oceans and sea surfaces, while her counterpart (and mother in certain myths), Olokun, rules the deep sea.

Yemaya is well known for her strong and intrepid character, she is a mother goddess and overprotective, the one that does not let anyone touch her children, vengeful and powerful like the forces of the sea through which she manifests herself.

Yemaya represents the archetype of the mother goddess and queen of the waters, she is venerated in Bahia (Brazil) through syncretization with "Nuestra Senora de la Concepcion", in the Abakua tradition, she is "Okande", in the Kimbisa tradition, is "Mama Umbo", and in the tradition of the Catholic Saints as "Virgen de Regla"

Yemaya Ritual Banquet for Money & Good Fortune.
(my mom's recipe for everyone, with enormous affection and trust)

One Sunday day in the afternoon, clean your altar or that personal sacred space, now there, light a large blue candle, flower incense, place a glass with red wine and another with water in honor of Yemaya, prepare now the feast to share with family and friends, seafood, tuna, sardines, crabs, well-seasoned and homemade fish soup, a large bowl of fruit salad with pin, pineapple, grapes and melon.

A mashed made from green plantains with peppers and a bit of salt, as well as dishes based on lamb, ducks, geese and quail. The table is decorated with some white flowers and roses, and a plate from each part of the banquet is served on the altar in honor of the goddess, while the rest eat at the table.

The idea of this banquet is to invite Yemaya to the home so that the good omens come and she offers us all her blessings as well as joy, love, health, well-being, protection for our loved ones, and good fortune.

Candle of wishes with Yemaya

Yemaya loves candles, especially scented and decorated candles, you can buy white and blue candles in the market to light them in her honor, decorate these candles with a blend of aromatic herbs and dried petals of various colored flowers, add to the candles, sugar, cinnamon, snails, knots and bows, etc ...

You can perfume these candles with aromatic oils of herbs and flowers, and always light these candles next to a glass of water, to invite Yemaya to visit the house and grant your wishes.

You can write the wishes on a piece of paper, and leave them for seven days on the altar at the foot of a blue candle.

Offering to Yemaya at sea.

When people feel emotionally broken, something that helps them a lot is to venerate Yemaya, in return, she will take the emotional sorrows of the people, for this, I recommend you take with you a bunch of white roses and throw them into the sea in the morning, like a gift to the goddess of the seas.



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