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Embracing death, with love and a deeper understanding.

With the death of my lovely father at the door, I am reconnecting with Yewá; Goddess/Orisha of purity, virginity, innocence, and death. In a previous post years ago, I wrote a bit about Yewá (you can READ THAT POST here). Yewá is not the most popular of the Orishas; her ways and paths are probably the less understood and studied; her ways of Craft are a beautiful mystery just approached by a few; her rituals and dances are rich in secrets, color, and representation, anyway. She is still one of the more mysterious Orishas in the pantheon, and our relationship with her as practitioners is like the relation of every human being with death; we are not sitting down to wait for her, but we understand she is there and is imminent. Family Recent History My dad has been dealing with heart struggles for a couple of years. According to his doctors, after his last heart attack, just ¼ part of his heart is working; the approved medical term for this is “actively dying.” this could be the 4th time

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